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Maya Lewis
Maya opened the door and wrapped her black jean jacket around her waist as she entered the night club. Maya begin to watch as everyone danced on the dancefloor and people who didn't sat down at tables and booths so they can hang out.

"Maya!" Lulu yelled as Maya went to the bar where both of her friends were cheesing hard at her.
"So you're telling me that not only did you talk to the guy but he took you home?" Maya shyly nodded her head before she felt a presence behind her.

Lulu looked from her shy best friend to the person and smirked.

"What can I get you sir?" Maya turned around to meet eyes with Jaebum who softly smiled at Maya before answering Lulu.

"I'll have a sex on the beach." He answered.

"I'll have someone bring the drink to you sir." Sammy said before he walked off.

"I saw the way you looked at him. Do you know him?" Sammy asked which caused Maya to nodded.

"We accidentally bumped into each other yesterday. " Maya said as Lulu begin to fix his drink. Lulu put his drink in front of Maya which confused the girl.

"Go give his drink to him." Sammy said before receiving widen eyes from Maya.

"Why me?"Maya asked before receiving a playful glare from her best friends.

"Come on the guy looked like he was infatuated by you. Just go give him his drink." Maya nodded her head and got up from her seat and grabbed the drink before walking towards the handsome stranger she met. The closer she got to him,she more she notice things about him.

The way his black hair was slicked back. The way he looked good with his lip piercing. The way his stare could scare anyone like that guy who ran away from him as soon as Jaebum made eye contact with him.

Im Jaebum
Jaebum eyes scanned the entire club until he noticed someone walking towards him. There in his eyesight was Maya who looked quite delicious in her outfit. The way her pants hugged her curves did things to him.

The moment she finally made it to his table,Jaebum eyes followed her as she placed his drink on the table. "Here's your drink Jaebum."

"You or substance in the glass?" Jaebum asked which caused to Maya to shyly point to the glass in front of him.

"Aww I was really hoping I could taste you." Jaebum said,pretending to sound sad.Jaebum grabbed the glass and begin to drink when Maya begin to walk away.

"Wait, Maya." Jaebum said which stopped her. Maya turned around and walked back over to Jaebum's table.

"Why don't you have a seat. I would love to get to know you." Maya scratched the back of her neck before nodding her head and sitting in a chair across from Jaebum. His eyes begin to take Maya's body in before he licked his lips.

"How old are you Maya?"

"I'm 21 years old but I'm turning 22 in three weeks." She said while Jaebum stared at the girl

" She said while Jaebum stared at the girl

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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