#9 What??!!

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Minho: Hey Jisung!

           Jisung: OMG you texted me first
                                       WOW just WOW

Minho: ugh why did I text you

               Jisung: Cuz you like me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Minho: No cuz I'm bored!!

                       Jisung: okay yknow what
                                                    that hurts 

Minho: WTF why??

                  Jisung: hah I was just joking

Minho: okaaayyyy
Minho: Sooo what do you wanna talk about??

                         Jisung: Idk your the one
                                       who text me first

Minho: I've been thinking, we've been texting for weeks don't you think we should meet irl?

                                       Jisung: What??!!
            You already want to meet irl?!!!

Minho: yeah is that weird??

    Jisung: nonono it's just going so fast

Minho: wtf okay, when are you free??

                   Jisung: Next week probably

Minho: Next week Friday at the new cafe at 17:30 pm??

                             Jisung: sounds great!!!

Minho: Okayyy, Uuuh I have to go but ttyl??

                                     Jisung: Yeah byee
                                                  Read 15:37


I'm so so so so sorry for long no update!!
It's Sunday(for them) if your wondering, I know it's boring buuuut they are gonna meet irl!!! }

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