Destined Connections

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The doors opened, and Gallus flew to the corner of the main room, standing behind one of the pillars. The amount of ponies in one room felt...intense.

Twilight made her confident stride to the center of the room, where she introduced herself as Headmare. She instructed the students to see the guidance counselor to sign in and receive their class schedules.

Gallus looked at the pink unicorn, and noticed the welcoming demeanor she held from the softness in her eyes, her smile, and the gentle wave of her hoof.


Gallus nearly fell as he felt some creature bump into him. He caught his footing just as he heard the creature talking to him.

"Whoa, sorry. I'm Sandbar, are you a student here too?"

Gallus turned to face the light green pony, with many different shades of green from the lightness in his eyes to the dark multiple shades of his mane. He looked like a beautiful garden in the form of a pony.

It was when he was taking in these details that he realized that he hadn't spoken a word. He was staring agape at the first pony student he met.

Shit, say something you dumb fuck!

"No, I thought I'd just randomly stand here and see how many ponies would walk into me." Gallus huffed, blowing his head feathers into place.

Sandbar simply looked at him, his smile not fading in the slightest at Gallus' weird introduction. The silence, among the undeterred look that Sandbar gave him, was causing Gallus to blush. He opened his mouth to spea-


There goes the smile, Sandbar frowned at the loud voice calling the griffon's name. Not waiting for a response, Gallus walked past him and towards Grandpa Gruff.

"Grandpa Gruff, what're you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Came all the way from Griffonstone to introduce...Gallus." Grandpa Gruff said with a dramatic wave of his claw.

As he was speaking, Gallus recognized the blue rainbow-maned pegasus in front of him.

"Rainbow Dash?" Gallus asked. "You're a teacher? Huh, Gilda told me about you, thought you'd be cooler."

"What the buck?" Rainbow Dash growled. "What kind of smart-mouthed griffon did you bring to our school, Grandpa Gruff?"

"Hehe." Grandpa Gruff snickered. "He's your problem now, pony."

Gallus smirked, reveling in their conversation. The griffons back at Griffonstone were used to his sarcastic comments, but ponies? They were innocent little poofballs, according to Grandpa Gruff. Messing with them could be a lot of fun.

Rainbow Dash gave Gallus a cross look before flying past him.

"Well, I best be taking my leave. I'll be back for the Friends and Family mumbo jumbo that Twilight told me about to see your progress." Grandpa Gruff patted Gallus' shoulder. "See ya."

"Um, thanks by the way." Gallus said, looking away. "For everything."

"Don't mention it, kid." Grandpa Gruff said. He flew out the door, leaving Gallus by himself.

There were so many things going on at once: a big brown creature was stumbling into the pillars of the building, losing her footing, a skinny pony-like bug was running away from...another griffon? No, she had hooves at the ends of her legs instead of paws. Wha?

The pony-like bug that Gallus was unfamiliar with abruptly turned into another pony, hiding in the crowds. The griffon-like creature stopped and looked around the room, eventually landing her gaze on Gallus.

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