Starlight's House

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"Okay, we need to find somewhere to hide before the night is over," Gallus announced, staring at the lamp in their shared hotel room of two king-sized beds.

After Thorax mentioned the hotel room, Neighsay turned around and placed a magical lock on the school, shutting it down. After Twilight had ran into her castle in a tearful sprint, the guardians took the next train to their respective lands where the students would have to return. It was exactly what Gallus had feared.

"Yona agree, don't want to leave new friends," Yona lamented, sprawled on the creaking bed. As soon as she lowered her head onto the bed, the middle of the bed made a sharp snap, causing Yona to frown and look away from her friends.

"Yeah, the dragonlands are no fun," Smolder mumbled, glancing at Ocellus on the other bed. "But where can we possibly go? All five of them will turn over boulders just to find us!"

"Maybe if we hide in a place they expect," Gallus stated.

"What are you suggesting?" Sandbar asked.

"If we were to...hide in a pony's home, they wouldn't find us there," Gallus smiled, a lightbulb popping over his head. "More specifically, a pony's room."

"Why their room?" Smolder asked. "I don't think we'd all fit."

"Well, I don't know if this will work," Gallus frowned. "But I talked to Starlight Glimmer before today, and she said that she'd tell Twilight about the situation we're in. If it were to happen, of course."

"You expected this shit-storm to happen?" Smolder gawked. "Then why not tell us?"

"I can't say I expected it," Gallus looked away. "I just didn't want to go back to Griffonstone, so I prepared myself for the worst-case scenario."

"Well, I sure as hell didn't want to go back to Ember's whiny ass," Smolder pouted, tapping her foot. "But I wasn't going to put up a fight about it. What's so bad about Griffonstone that you had to tell the guidance counselor in advance?"

"Is that really what matters right now?" Sandbar stepped in between his friends. "Gallus has an idea, and you keep interrupting him."

Smolder opened her mouth, and after a second, closed it and glared at Sandbar. Gallus blinked at Sandbar briefly, exposing a hint of a smile before looking at Smolder again.

"I think we should go to Twilight's castle," Gallus stated.

"That's the shittiest idea I've ever heard," Smolder snorted. "We'll be caught within seconds."

"Not really," Sandbar stated. "If Gallus is right, she'll be expecting us when we get there. And last time I checked, Starlight lives in her castle. Even if Starlight didn't tell her, we can hide in her room."

"But then Twilight will know where we are," Ocellus whimpered. "What if she turns on us?"

"She's the Princess of Friendship," Gallus huffed. "She won't t-turn on us."

Why should I trust her now?

"Maybe we shouldn't walk to the castle in the open," Smolder suggested. "How about we sneak our way to the door, and you knock on the door? Since you're so confident in your featherbrained plan."

"Maybe I will," Gallus retorted. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's haul our asses out of here."

Yona slipped off the broken bed, following the rest of her friends out of the hotel room. Ocellus gave a small smirk before transforming into Grandpa Gruff.

"You're a genius," Smolder grinned, rubbing her friend's currently bald head. "The rest of us should still hide near the castle, but at least Gallus can knock on the door undetected."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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