Chapter 7. Rewards and Experiments

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Withdrawing his leg, Harry slipped under the table without waiting for Draco's reaction, moving straight towards his target. Controlling the urges of his incubus part, he freed the button of Draco's trousers and undid the zip gently rather than ripping it apart, which was what he really wanted to do.

The silk boxers he found underneath were not a surprise and neither was their colour of deep green, but Harry was not particularly interested in the soft material. What he wanted was the prize within. He slipped nimble fingers into the opening in the underwear, sliding talon tipped digits gently around what he found. He ran his tongue over his lips as he released Draco's healthy erection from the confines of the material restraining it, and breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of male arousal.

It was all he needed to encourage the incubus form out completely and he felt his chest tingling as the spines erupted, forcing his t-shirt away from his body. It did not escape him that his own trousers were suddenly tight either.

There was a moan in response from Draco, almost as if his lover had felt the change in Harry, but he was too focussed on his prize to take much notice. The tingling of arousal from his companion was enough to keep him very much absorbed. Everything else around him disappeared into insignificance.

If there was one thing that might get him killed one day, it was his fanatical focus when it came to his incubus' needs. Leaning in, he let Draco's scent flood his senses and stroked his lover's erection from root to tip with both his index fingers. The breathy response and the fact that Draco opened his legs wider, slouching in the chair, encouraged Harry in his next action. Placing his hand flat on the underside of his lover's cock he opened his mouth and almost experimentally, stuck out his tongue and ran it over the head.

A hand snaked under the table then and long fingers wrapped into his hair. He took that as a positive response. The taste of Draco was fantastic, alive and real, and it filled his mouth and nose, drawing him in closer as he firmly sucked his prize between his lips and onto his tongue, running the tip down the moist slit.

The incubus had many talents, a very well-designed predator, perfectly suited to all things sexual. He allowed the demon to change him yet further as his tongue thinned and lengthened. He had not employed the more extreme changes the incubus could attain since that first night and this time he did not split his tongue, snake like, but experimented, allowing it to elongate even further, coiling it around the length of Draco's erection and pulling back slightly, tightening his grip.

The explosive groan from his lover and the fingers grasping at his scalp rather indicated that his experimentation was appreciated.

Concentrating, he moved forward again, allowing the sexual energy from Draco to spur him on, and he felt a wave of possessiveness sweep through him as he claimed his lover whole. The momentary gag reflex was ignored as the dark creature in him took over and forced his human reactions to the background. His tongue moved as he used his throat and lips to stimulate Draco, drawing small sounds and movements of encouragement from his lover. Using his hands, he pushed Draco's legs even further apart and slightly up, giving him more access as he buried his face in silk.

Now he upped his pace and began to move his head up and down as Draco surrendered all control to him. Shortening his tongue, he allowed it to split and, rather than coiling it around his prize, he wrapped it much more firmly around Draco's cock and sucked, hard. It couldn't exactly be said he was stimulating his lover in the old-fashioned way, but he held back on the desire to force power between them, he wanted to do this physically.

He might have been mostly under the influence of the incubus, but that did not mean the human part had no needs as well. Touching Draco was a joy that all of him enjoyed.

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