Chapter 19. Reconnection

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With Draco's help, Harry found that standing up was much easier, and it didn't take too much to manoeuvre him to the bed. He ended up on his back, staring at the ceiling and looking up at Draco who was standing over him. Gazing into his lover's intense grey eyes, Harry felt the incubus in him stir, unfortunately the desire was there, but he had absolutely no energy to do anything about it. However, Draco must have seen the need in his face because he climbed on to the bed.

"You look like you could sleep for a week," his lover said, calmly throwing his leg over Harry and straddling him, "but I won't get further than a couple of feet, will I?"

That was a very good assessment of the situation as far as Harry was concerned. He had no energy, but that didn't mean that if his darker side took over completely, he wouldn't find some from somewhere.

"Stay put," Draco said firmly, "let me do the work. Where's your wand?"

Harry fished in his pocket and gave his lover his wand without a second thought. Only as Draco looked at him thoughtfully and waved the wand did he realise how strange that could have seemed, since he had just given an ex-Death Eater his only weapon. As Draco spoke two words that Harry did not catch, he felt magic leap at him, and suddenly he was completely naked.

"What did you do?" he asked, a little shocked by the sudden lack of clothes.

"A spell Father taught me when I hit sixteen," Draco said unrepentantly. "Just don't ask me what he intended me to use it for. Your clothes are over there."

His lover pointed vaguely to the left, but Harry did not bother to look, he was more interested in Draco.

"You still have yours on," he pointed out with the usual burr in his voice that came with the incubus' arousal.

Draco pointed the wand at himself and spoke the same two words; this time Harry committed them to memory, he could see this charm being useful in the future. Suddenly they were skin on skin and he felt his power jump in response as his body and magic reacted. Energy radiated between them wherever they touched, and Harry felt the lethargy falling away.

"Try and keep it inside, Harry," Draco said breathily just as Harry felt his physical body start to change.

"I can't," he replied as, in response, he tried desperately to grapple with his reactions.

"I think you can," his lover said with a smouldering smile, "just for a minute, for me."

It was like trying to hold on to water, and Harry had no idea why Draco had asked this of him, but he did his best. With efficient, but careful movements Draco pointed the wand at himself again and rattled off three charms in quick succession. The feel of the magic was almost more that Harry could take, and he clung on to his more human appearance by the skin of his teeth.

"What was that?" he asked in a desperate attempt to keep at least a portion of his mind distracted.

"Cleaning, relaxing and lubricating spells," Draco said, placing the wand on the bed; "not as much fun as manual methods, but useful at times like this."

Harry groaned at the mental image that gave him.

"Not long now," his lover said playfully, "it'll be worth it, I promise."

The incubus in him wanted control, and it wanted control immediately; Harry had never fought it before, and it was almost worse than the vampire as it fed off his body's reactions. He was already hard; one sniff of Draco these days and his anatomy made itself known, and he needed to let the transition occur for his arousal to become complete.

When Draco lifted himself into a crouch and then took hold of Harry's cock in one hand he knew what was coming and he had to bite hard on his lip and dig his talon like nails into the palms of his hands to hang on to the incubus.

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