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It was Sunday evening when Mal was back to herself again, other than being a bit shaken up and bruised, and having promised to partake in some swimming lessons after a stern word with Jay and Carlos.

Jay had been very apologetic, almost appearing to have tears in his eyes as he prattled on about not knowing. Evie had been quite cross with him but when he and Carlos brought the girls lunch and ice cream sundaes in their room that day, all was forgiven.

Mal hadn't seen Ben since the lawn. He had been told she'd taken a tumble and hit her head but had failed to visit her, though she'd received a quick phone call.

"Sorry Mal, the governor's luncheon is this weekend! Are you sure you won't be well enough to attend? No? Oh, get well soon, I'll send something over today."

Though he hadn't appeared, he had sounded sincere on the phone (maybe slightly guilty for the way he acted in the lawn) albeit mighty stressed and breathless, as though he'd been pacing in his office.

After dinner, by what time Mal had been well enough to go to walk around her room but not quite ready for the cafeteria, there was a knock at her door. Evie had left Mal by herself per her request at feeling overly-tended to by her best friend, hence Mal was alone when she opened the door.
On the other side stood the former king, holding a large bouquet of flowers.

They were pink and white roses tied together with a similarly-pink ribbon. A very thoughtful gift (though Mal's favourite flowers happened to be lilacs and sweet peas).

"You're highness! What a surprise," Mal squeaked at the broad and beaming man (he seemed to have really come around to her presence after the shaky start), "Come in. What brings you here, are you not supposed to be at the governor's lunch-thing?"

"Oh thank you, Maleficent," the former King said stepping through the threshold (and using Mal's full name which never failed to make her wince), "My son told me you had hit your head and couldn't attend, what a shame! I too have an ailment," he said with a grin.

Mal tilted her head, unable to not smile back, "Oh yes, what may that be your highness?"

"The most terrible food poisoning, thought I had truly been poisoned," he said placing the flowers on Mal's bedside, "I'm actually even currently sat over a basin throwing up my stomach contents, if you must know."

"Is that right?" Mal said with a huffed laugh, the Beast hummed, holding back his own laugh.

"It just so happens that the governor's luncheon is the most boring event of my year - every year," Beast turned around again to face Mal having properly arranged her flowers in a vase, "Anyway, I digress, how are you feeling, Maleficent? We missed you at lunch this week."

Mal's smile faltered a bit at the mention of her royal chores, "Oh apologies, your highness. I got caught up with the welcoming committee preparations, I was totally swamped."
Lying came very easy to Mal - she simply hadn't wanted to attempt to play the part with Ben for an hour, so didn't go.

"Understandable yes!" The King boomed as if making a declaration, "I must say not being true King these days is such a relief, less boring functions, a real relief. Anyway, my son intended to send you these flowers by servant but I got a bit bored hiding in my room so came instead! I hope it wasn't too much of an imposition. I also thought it had more of a personal touch. Has he been to see you since your fall?"

"That is very kind of you, your Highness. I thank you, and you must thank your son for me, for no, I have not yet seen him. He is very busy though, so I don't expect anything as frivolous."

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