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"Joonie, I'm home" I said as I entered the house. "I am too." Whispered the teenager. I screamed as he grabbed me from behind. He sniffed my neck and smiled. "I missed you! You're favorite soap opera was on so I recorded it and broomed up the floor. I stayed out of the food liked you asked too!" He told me happily. It was weird but Namjoon was a year younger than me he was just a runt and nobody wanted him. He was sold as a teacup sized wolf hybrid because of how scrawny he was. Little did they know how big he'd actually turn out. Especially after he began exercising.

I laid with Namjoon on the couch watching my favorite show while playing with his hair. We were pretty content until someone knocked on the door. We knew who it was so Namjoon shifted and I put on his metal shift control collar locking it on and putting the key in one of my books. I answered the door and was engulfed in a tight hug. "MOM!" I exclaimed holding onto her. "Hey sport. Did ya get the house ready?" She asked. I nodded. My family was spending the holidays at my house so I had to clean all the guest rooms.

"You still have the wolf? I thought you would've given it away by now. I actually got you another amazing hybrid for Christmas. I don't want him to be getting cold so he's on the porch caged. It's a panther, it's just till Christmas is over I wanna see who'd win between the dog and cat. The panther's name is yoongi I got it from Jacob." She said sitting it the living room on the couch. Namjoon was on the couch first so mom kicked him away.

I didn't like my mom hurting Joon but I couldn't do anything about it. I went outside greetings the snarling panther. I lifted the cage up taking it inside and I took it upstairs to my room. I shut my door and decided to open the cage. The panther changed from threatening me to hissing scarily.

"It's okay I promise I won't hurt you." I whispered. I reached into the cage petting his snout. I heard scratching at my door so I got up to open it. There stood my wolf with a book in his mouth. I shut the door behind him and grabbed the key to his collar.

After I unlocked Joon's collar and taking it off he shifted. He sat on my bed watching the panther intensely. I sat down on the floor again reaching my arm into the cage and petting the panther gently. He slowly crawled out of the cage and laid in my lap. Namjoon of course got jealous and shifted whining for my attention, so they both lay on my lap as I pet them.

My annoying HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now