Chapter Ten: Tyson's POV

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"I'll ask again. WHO. ARE. YOU?" The red-headed girl's voice was thick with anger and she looked ready to pounce on me. Feisty then, with a temper to match. I shrank back from the girl's anger and stared at her with wide eyes. I was slightly disappointed when I saw the girl, but then I realized she could help me.

"Hey, calm down. I'm not trying to hurt anyone or anything. My name is Tyson Flynn, who are you?" The girl was pretty. Her thick red hair was long and was held in tight curls. Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity and a red boiling temper to match her hair. Her freckles spread across her cheeks and nose in a scattered pattern. Her pink lips were thin and her voice was smooth and melodic.

She narrowed her eyes at me and realization crossed her face. "You're the Tyson from the paper. Oh my God, Aria was right. Cassie's gonna flip." She flung her hands in the air and shook her head. "Unbelievable." She whispered to herself. She saw my confused expression and came closer. "I'm Hayley Williams. Why are you here?" She didn't seem suspicious of me anymore, just curious.

"I'm looking for Reagan, my little sister. What exactly are you talking about?" Hayley's eyes widened with shock and she gasped in surprise. A small smile began to form on her lips, making me even more flustered. What was going on here?

"I'll explain everything, but you have to come with me. I can help you find Reagan." She didn't wait for me to answer, just turned around and expected me to follow her. I did.

We walked in silence for a few blocks before reaching an old diner, the sign saying 'Timber's.'

Hayley stopped outside the diner and breathed in the thick, hot July air before continuing inside. When we walked in, there were 4 people inside. Two younger girls who looked exactly alike, probably twins, and an older couple.

Hayley started talking as soon as she stepped into the place. "Aria, Cassie, let's go into the back. I've got some news." The two younger girls immediately dropped their cleaning supplies and led us into the back without a word.

We sat down in a tiny food storage closet and Hayley began talking first, laying out a lot of information for the 3 of us. "First things first, Reagan's missing. She left sometime last night, I assume you told her about the paper. Second, this is Tyson Flynn, he's from the paper and he's looking for Reagan. That leads to one conclusion, Reagan is actually the missing Reagan Flynn, which explains Sarah and Joey."

Hayley stopped talking and stared at me, as did Aria and Cassie. Before anyone could say anything, Hayley seemed to realize that I had no idea what was going on. "Tyson, this is Aria and Cassie. They found a paper about you and your family, and your missing little sister. It made sense that Reagan was the missing girl."

I sat in silence, not sure what to say, but Cassie did it for me. "Reagan's parents, or kidnappers, are Sarah and Joey Blake. They abuse her, and none of us ever knew why until now. We found the paper and showed Reagan. We assume that Reagan left in search of you late last night. We don't know where she is, but she's headed to Oklahoma if she's looking for you." Cassie paused, her wild black hair flared around her brown skin. "We believe our friend Reagan, is your little sister."

I stared at them in shock. I had believed that Reagan was at Sarah and Joey's house, especially after checking the other two Blake families. I was only surprised and annoyed and frustrated that I came all the way to Dallas, just to discover that Reagan left in search of me.

"Are you sure?" You could almost hear the disbelief and exhaustion in my voice. I wanted to go home.

"Yeah. We can't be positive, but I know Reagan better than anyone. She hated Sarah and Joey, she would've done anything to get out of there." Hayley's voice sounded upset, but she seemed happy that Reagan finally left Sarah and Joey's.

"How did she even leave? She's only 15." I groaned as soon as the words left my mouth. Reagan couldn't drive, which left only one option. Hayley looked at me with sympathy and Cassie and Aria simply looked down. They seemed sorry that they had shown Reagan the paper, but I wasn't angry about that.

"I need to see Sarah and Joey." My words left no room for discussion. I needed to see them, to clear up this whole situation. I needed to figure this out and get them arrested.

I stood up and made my way to the door. I could hear the girls yelling at me to stop, that it wasn't safe, but I had had it up to here. I was done. I was tired, I was alone, and I was angry. I wanted to get these bastards arrested and then get home, to my brother and Reagan.

I ran to the house, where my car was parked. I knocked on the brown wood door and could hear the yelling inside cease to silence. A man opened the door. A disgusting, old man with cracked yellow teeth and a beer belly. He had clumpy brown hair and auburn eyes. He was ugly, not because of his appearance, but because he clearly didn't take care of himself. It was clear this was Joey.

"Are you Joey Blake?" He was much taller than me, but I wasn't intimidated. I was sick and tired of this whole thing. I wanted it to be over. Sarah appeared over his shoulder. She was even uglier than her chubby husband. Her hair was uncared for and a dull blonde color. Her eyes were a murky brown.

"Who's asking?" Joey's voice was almost a snarl. He sounded, and looked, like a dog.

"The brother of the girl you kidnapped." I rolled my eyes as fear took over his expression. Sarah looked more angry than afraid. I was beyond frustrated. I wanted to kill this man. He had taken my little sister. My exhaustion and my irritation was taking over.

"Get out of here! You have no right to be here. I'll call the police!" Sarah was clearly not happy with me. I smirked at her.

"Go ahead. Maybe then I can tell them all about how you kidnapped and abused my little sister. We'll see who gets locked up." I flinched back, but I wasn't fast enough. I fell to the concrete as Joey's thick fist connected with my jaw. He didn't even care that we were right out in the open. He jumped on top of me and continued to punch me.

I couldn't do anything about it. He was 2 times my size, and he had more muscle than I had originally determined. He punched me and kicked me until I had blood seeping from my nose. I had a black eye and a split lip and tiny cuts across my entire face. I finally slipped out of consciousness as Joey and Sarah ran inside and locked the door.

When I woke up, it was dark outside. Hayley was leaning over me, trying to shake me into consciousness. I groaned and sat up slowly.

"Chill, Tyson. I found you this way about 10 minutes ago, but you left Timber's 5 hours ago. Sorry I couldn't come sooner, I got caught up." I nodded at her and noticed that I was leaning against my car, about a block away from Sarah and Joey's. I didn't know how I got there, nor did I care.

"I gotta go, but you should leave. Go home, find Reagan." Hayley left just like that. I pulled my phone from my pocket and realized that I had 4 missed calls from Noah. I dialed his number and it barely rang before he picked up.

"Where have you been that you couldn't answer my calls? I thought you were in trouble." Noah sounded scared and upset, with me. It felt good to hear his voice.

"Sorry, I ran into some trouble, but I'm okay." Say that to the blood drenching my shirt and the bruises all over my face. "Hey, is Reagan there by any chance?" I realized that if she wasn't there yet, she was either dead or had actually run away.

Noah scoffed and said, "Yeah, she is actually. She won't talk much, but she's here. Dude, she's got bruises all over the place. Do you think it was her kidnappers?" I shook my head at his question and laughed.

"Yep, I definitely think it was the kidnappers. Joey and Sarah are there names. Sons of guns beat the crap out of me. Listen, I'm on my way home, don't worry about me. Just try to make Reagan feel comfortable. I'll be home soon. K, love ya bye!" I rushed out the last bit.

All I heard from him was, "Wait..." Before I hung up on him. I sighed and struggled to stand up, pain becoming a part of me, almost. I pushed past the pain and got in my car.

I was on my way home.

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