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hey babies sorry for last chapter :,(

christmas was hard for the two lovers. jack stayed home and locked himself in his room. zach tried his hardest to get him to come out but he wouldn't. he told zach just to go to his moms and he'd be fine.

so of course zach went to kristin's. it was hard without jack there but they made it. when zach came home he stayed in his bedroom and kept zach locked out.

he hadn't eaten since he funeral and it was starting to worry zach. of course he worried wether jack was sad or not.

but zach had to go back to work. he had to head back to the studio and get some songs done so he told jack bye and he loved him and left.

january was gonna he another hard month for them.

jack was still not eating. zach had a plan though he was going to get sydnie to come over and help. she's always been good at getting jack to do things.

sydnie was on her way over so zach was getting impatient.

a knock was heard at the door and zach opened it. when he saw the taller avery standing there he immediately hugged her and let come in.

"he hadn't been coming out of the room syd" zach spoke and she nodded and headed over to the bedroom

"jack...i know you're in there and i wanted to ask if you could unlock the door, for me, please" sydnie spoke as she leaned on the door some

"why should i open the door and let you all in when i can't even open it for myself" jack spoke

"so i can help you. jack i know what's going on i under-" he cut her off

"dont even try and say you understand what i'm going through sydnie. you haven't had a life that you created grow inside of you for months and then for it to just be taken away because you couldn't keep it alive, you don't understand how that feels, and i hope you never have to feel what i feel. so please don't say you understand" jack cried through the door

"you're right i don't understand how it feels to lose a baby. i may never know that feeling. but i do understand that you are hurting and you are in pain. i also understand that your fiancé is hurt and broken just as much as you are. he didn't just lose a baby jack he lost his soulmate as well. he's lost you jack and you aren't making it any better" sydnie spoke and zach started to cry as he stood off to the side

"what do you mean he lost me in right here, i'm alive aren't i" jack huffed

"yeah your hearts beating, you're alive. but you aren't here jack, you aren't helping zach get through this and he can't help you when you lock yourself in a room. so jack you aren't here and zach did lose you, maybe not forever but right now you aren't here for him. he had to call me crying because of you, in hope i can't help you but right now you aren't making it any more easier than it was for him" she slightly yelled through the door

"h-he cried over me" jack whispered

"yeah jack he did..." syd whispered

the door unlocked and opened and out walked a small disheveled jack. he had his body engulfed in an oversized hoodie, most likely zach's, and his arms in the pocket.

he walked towards the taller boy and hugged him.

"i'm sorry i made you cry. i-i didn't mean to it's just hard zay" jack cried and zach moved his arms up the boys back

"i know love i know" he whispered into the boy's ear

sydnie waved bye and walked out of the door apartment as the two boys held eachother.

"i hate myself zay, i lost OUR baby. i was the carrier, protector, the one who was supposed to keep the baby healthy. but i didn't i killed him" jack cried out as the two fell to the floor

"stop blaming yourself. you didn't kill our baby jack. he passed away because it was his time. i know it hurts and i know it's harder for you but don't blame yourself. i wish with my whole heart we would've had more time but we can't go back and try to change things, it's not possible. just hope that maybe someday we can have another bundle of joy" zach spoke as he held jack to him

"i can't zach. i can't move without hurting. i can't even think clearly without that image popping into my head. that image of our baby boy laying there in my arms not even breathing. it hurts" jack cried more and zach started to cry

"h-he was s-so small" zach cried

the two lovers were a crying mess as they held each other in the floor. who would've though 6 months ago they would be crying over the loss of their baby.

𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 - 𝓳𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝔂Where stories live. Discover now