13. Cheats And Kiss

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Taeyong woke up to the worst headache in his life.

How could he not when he just cried himself to sleep. 

Last night was a roller coaster of emotions. His first high school party, having culture shock at the whole ambiance, Jaehyun Jung attempting to confess to him, realizing he was in love with-

Taeyong stopped in his thoughts, blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall.

It stings, everything does. 

Good thing it was a Saturday though, no school. The vacant weekend was a blessing. Two days of not having to see both Jaehyun and Johnny's faces is what Taeyong needed. 

He's probably not ready. Nope, definitely not ready to face them.

He needs to take a break. 




"Fudge my life." Taeyong groaned. He took the noisy phone from his night stand to check who was daring enough to disturb his weekend. 

And like cold water splashed on his face, Taeyong stared shock at the name on his phone.

Wendy Son

"Fudge. Fudge. Fudge. Fudge." Taeyong cursed (in his own taeyongie way) as he held his phone to his chest. "Please don't tell me it's today. Please don't tell me it's today. Please don't tell me it's today. "


And with a final prayer, Taeyong steeled himself and answered the call. 

"Hel...lo?" Taeyong said cautiously. There was complete silence on the other line and Taeyong knew he was screwed. SO. FREAKIN'. SCREWED. DEAR LORD. DEAR GOD.

Finally, Wendy answers. 

"Where the hell are you?" came Wendy's almost monotonous voice, void of any emotion, which distressed Taeyong even more. 


Wendy cut Taeyong immediately. "Please don't tell me you're still at your house-"

"I'm still at my house."

It was silent again. Probably for a solid 60 seconds. Nevertheless, Taeyong knew he was so screwed. 

"If you're not here in 30 minutes, Taeyong Lee, I swear to God-"

"I'LL BE THERE! JUST GIVE ME 30 MINUTES!" Taeyong promised before cutting the line.

Great! This was turning out to be the best week of his life.

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