Miss Perfect by BitchxPotato

24 1 5

Not Rated Mature but has a lot of name calling (bitch, for example) and references to sexual things.

Genre: Teen Fiction

This book.
Oh my god.
I love it.

The book is about a girl who everyone sees to be as perfect. Perfect body, perfect life, perfect everything. She doesn't understand why.

The main character is a strong female (hell yeah!) who doesn't take any shit from anyone. This book is very into self care, and though it is mostly focused on the female population, I believe many males could learn something from this book. (Such as, people like Owen.)

The authors writing style only has a few minor flaws. (I've only seen a few weirdly worded sentences, but everyone does that. I do that.) I really like the positivity the author conveys, and readers can feel and relate to the characters, which gives major points.

I, for one, am going to continue reading this book to see how things play out. I really love the message of this book, and hope that it will last in the years to come.

Overall, if you're looking for a teen fiction book about body positivity and accepting yourself and all that good stuff, (or are a guy who wants to understand girls better) then I strongly recommend this book to you. I recommend this book to anyone, as long as what I mentioned in the warning above doesn't bother you.

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