The Hunter and the Hunted by Dani_Kail

17 5 0

Rated Mature

Genre: Fantasy

This story has an amazing description so go read that bc I couldn't explain it in a better way. But basically there's Humans, Hunters, Vampires, Werewolves, and more.

First off, the author's writing style is like super good. Pretty much perfect. Its descriptive in all the right places, and dialogue is pretty even throughout.

The characters are badass, and it gives off a few Supernatural feelings. (Like the show.) It does start with a lot of characters right off the bat, so beware of that.

This book is pretty long though, so I didn't read all the chapters. It is complete, so you don't have to worry about waiting for another update. The chapters are pretty long so that's a plus.

I really liked what I read so you probably will too. I'll probably continue reading this if I ever have any free time to do so.

Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy-supernatural with some romance.

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