Akashi X Reader

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With your hands raised, you stood before the menacing Akashi who was holding a pair of scissors as his murder weapon. You knew better than to get in his way so how did it lead to this?

Akashi Seijuro was a name that striked fear on any that dared to defy him. A monster who had never tasted defeat and had everything in life. A leader who is right and absolute. That was Akashi Seijuro. However, Akashi wasn't always this way.

Ever since you can remember, Akashi was a part of your life. He was your guardian angel and you were his emotional support. Your childhood memories were filled with laughter and love, contrary to Akashi's strict upbringing. Additionally, he was the type of friend who was close to your family and vice versa, you knew his mother. You understood that when Akashi lost her, it would break him. But he didn't. He had basketball to keep him company. It was in middle school that he had truly gone mad. Unfortunately, you attended a different school at the time and couldn't be there for him. And now, in Rakuzan, you vowed to never leave his side.


As classes came to an end, a classmate of yours swung by your seat. She was Fujioka Haruhi, a scholar and one of your closest friends in Rakuzan. She suggested. "Let's go home together."

You kindly declined, notifying her of your plans. "Sorry, Haruhi. Akashi needs help in the student council and I have to wait until his basketball practice ends."

Fujioka shook her head disapprovingly. "Akashi again? You're like his secretary, close to being a slave. When are you going to stop being at his beck-and-call?"

Despite her complaints, you snickered which confused Fujioka. "He's not forcing me to do anything. He treats me well. I just want to be there for him, you know?"

With a defeated sigh, Fujioka stopped worrying and got off your back. After she left, you went over to the student council office. There, you found the student body president and vice president discussing some school projects. You waited for a while until the vice president, Ootori Kyoya, excused himself. He passed by you as he exited the room, teasing. "You here to fetch your boyfriend?"

"Stop it, Ootori-senpai. We're not even dating." You refuted, waving it off. With a shrug, Ootori left you two alone. Akashi immediately pushed some paperwork unto you, not wasting another second. It was a normal afternoon until a stranger barged into the office.

A male student, probably in his first year, stood awkwardly by the door while rubbing the back of his neck. He exuded a gangly aura with long red hair tied up and intimidating features. The must-be delinquent muttered. "What did you need me for, Kaichou (president)?"

Akashi remained seated as he beckoned for the student to come to him. "I ordered you to come here, Ritsu, as punishment for skipping classes. You must help out with the student council everyday after classes." Thus, Akashi transferred him over to you, to help out with your work.

You greeted him politely and introduced yourself. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). 1st year, Class C." A soft pink appeared on his cheeks, which was weirdly unexpected. "I'm Kasanoda Ritsu. Also 1st year, Class D."

"Oh, our classrooms are right next to each other." You deduced and giggled. The must-be delinquent turned out to be a cinnamon roll.

A cough originated from Akashi and glared at the both of you. "If you have the time to chit-chat, use it on finishing your job." He scolded, shutting you up. You faced Kasanoda and smiled apologetically.


Your daily routine with Akashi proceeded as usual, except that there was an addition to the group. Kasanoda Ritsu was a great help and he worked diligently. As you spent more time with him, he turned out to be a cool dude that was only clumsy with others.

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