Hanamiya X Reader

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Requested by: Shiro_Kise_07


Now in your final year in Kirisaki Daiichi, students squeezed in any possible opportunity to study for college entrance exams in their schedules. You were not an exception to this. Aiming for a commendable university, you spent after-classes in the library, studying your butt off.

After arriving at the library, you occupied the desk at the far corner. It was the ideal place to study, away from distractions and people, in general. While your nose was buried in your books, you did not notice a person beside you.

"Keep reading like that and you'll ruin your eyes even more."

You glanced at whoever disturbed you and blinked, taken aback by the male. It was Hanamiya Makoto.

Unconsciously, you pushed your glasses up your nose bridge. Indeed, you were so concentrated on your studying materials that you did not realize that your eyes were strained from reading. Wearing prescription glasses for near-sightedness, it was not advisable to read at such close proximity.

(A/N: Glasses are meant to correct your near-sightedness so you would be able to see from afar. And so, while observing something at close distance, it's better to remove your glasses.)

Taking a short break from reviewing, you decided to make a light conversation. "Are you studying as well?"

Hanamiya shook his head before taking the seat across you. "Nah. Came here to read." He revealed a book between his fingers then began leafing through the pages, signaling the end of your 'chat'. Without interrupting any further, your focus returned to your materials once again.

"Your head will hurt if you continue reading like that."

You eyed Hanamiya, perturbed by his plans to continue the conversation. "Huh?" You breathed.

He tapped his temple with his forefinger, pertaining to your spectacles. "You don't need to wear your glasses if you're reading that close. Just remove them."

Despite being surprised by his concern, which was out of character, you complied and slipped off your glasses. Hanamiya's orbs remained on you, examining your features which were usually blocked by your glasses.

"You look better with glasses." He muttered then resumed with his reading. Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes from his unwanted comment (A/N: Me), you started reviewing once again. This occurrence continued without interference until the all the students in the library were told to leave. Hanamiya immediately left the vicinity without as much as a goodbye. Nonetheless, you did not care since you weren't close enough for such pleasantries.

The following day, you proceeded to the library once again after classes. While approaching your usual spot in the corner, you recognized Hanamiya's wide back occupying your table. He appeared to be browsing another book. Before acquiring the seat across him, you greeted. "Hey. Reading again?"

Hanamiya gazed at you nonchalantly and retorted. "How about you? Studying again?"

"I have to. So, I can be as smart as you."

He scoffed. "Keep dreaming. An average student like you can only go to a state college."

You nodded in agreement, not the least bit offended by his insult. "That's the plan. How about you?"

His eyes were now glued to his book, nevertheless, he still responded. "Somewhere you'll never reach."

In spite of his harsh statements, you unexpectedly enjoyed conversing with the teen. Hanamiya Makoto was a remarkable individual; however, students avoided this male and never got in his way. You wondered why. Ultimately, it was his rotten mouth that spit hurtful words towards his peers. On the other hand, you were not affected by his words because everything he threw at you were nothing against the degrading thoughts you had of yourself. After all, insecurity was common among teenagers who were undergoing hormonal imbalance. Additionally, your self-esteem was slightly lower than the average person.

With this personality, you were able to tolerate Hanamiya as he occupied your favored table located at the far corner of the library. For weeks, he stayed after classes, surfing through various novels. Meanwhile, you pestered him to teach you subjects you were having difficulty with. Even though he refused at first, he eventually gave in and proved to be a great tutor, especially in Math and Chemistry. The weeks with Hanamiya were undeniably fun and your once dull and repetitive life was filled with his presence. However, those days were cut short.

All of a sudden, Hanamiya stopped coming to the library. At first, you did not mind it for he might visit again soon. Unfortunately, those visits did not happen. Accustomed to his jokes and taunts, you felt lonely and missed that infamous jerk.

You stared blankly at your papers, not a single information entering your brain. Distracted by Hanamiya's absence, you gave up and began collecting your stuff. Since you were obviously not making any progress, you concluded your studying for the day.

As you exited the school's premises, you spotted the basketball team of Kirisaki Daiichi. You scanned the members, hoping to find a certain player. As expected, Hanamiya was at the center of attention. Approaching the towering group of males, you hollered. "Hanamiya!" Consequently, all eyes shifted unto you, including his. Intimidated by their gangly aura, you unintentionally squeaked out. "I need to talk to you."

Snickers erupted between the boys before one whispered towards Hanamiya which did not reach your ears. Afterwards, the team went on ahead leaving behind Hanamiya who was not amused. "What do you want?" He questioned urgently.

"You stopped coming to the library. I was wondering how you were."

"I had basketball practice."

"Entrance examinations are around the corner. Shouldn't you be studying?"

"Unlike you, I can ace the tests. So, keep studying and get settled in a second-rate college." Hanamiya sneered with a sly grin on his face.

"Stop it." You warned. "This is why people hate you. I know that you're more than that."

Hanamiya rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Man, aren't you a busybody? I just showed you a bit of attention and now you're acting like we're close."

"But, aren't we friends?"

At the sound of his mocking laughter, you could feel your chest tighten. "Wow, you're really stupid. Deluding yourself that we're now close. The reason I ever entered the library was because I was suspended from club activities. I had nothing else to do so I read books. And then you had to disturb me and teach you what you should already know."

You lowered your head, hiding the tears that threatened to burst out at any moment. Hearing a sigh from Hanamiya, his final words were "Now do me a favor and stop annoying me." before walking away.

With the back of your hand, you wiped the teardrops that rolled down your cheeks, allowing yourself to let it all out. Even if there were people around, you could not stop yourself. When you finally calmed down, you raised your head and thought to yourself. This must be my punishment for reaching out to something that was out of my league.



This was such a ride. In this story, I had been in both Y/N and Hanamiya's shoes. This imagine was inspired by my real-life experience back in high school. It's really saddening how you slowly distance yourself from your once close friends. Thankfully, I have a group of friends whom I have kept in touch until now.

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