Chapter 4. School

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After Dumbledore had finished his visit Draco had arrived and Harry had spent most of the evening making sure his lover was very much whole and unharmed. Some of his techniques for doing so involved making sure Draco was completely mobile and as responsive as before, at least that's what he told Draco and then Draco had laughed at him for about half an hour.

He couldn't help it if his thoughts were completely one track sometimes; the vampire and the incubus seemed to be the two creatures that had the greatest sway over his behaviour and Draco was nothing if not very attractive. They had actually had some sleep eventually and Draco had left early, needing to be seen in his house common room as if he was actually living there. Since the full, fabricated story about them having been boyfriends since the end of sixth year and lovers since Harry's change had not yet been released, appearances had to be maintained.

Harry had spent most of the rest of the time before school pacing. He was very glad that his first scheduled lesson was Transfiguration, but he was still a complete wreck of nerves. It was ridiculous really, since the only one who would be able to see him was Professor McGonagall, but it felt as if he was walking into the lion's den.

Straightening his robes, he sat down at his desk and looked at the mirror where it stood a few feet away. It felt very strange to be back in uniform. He had to try very hard not to fidget. Nothing felt normal anymore, but he was willing to try and fake it.

"Transfigurations classroom," he said eventually when he had all his courage balled up into something usable.

The mirror instantly displayed the interior of Professor McGonagall's domain and Harry was quite surprised by how much he could see. It was not like looking into the Mirror of Erised where he could only see an image; it was more like looking through an opening into the room rather than at a flat surface, he could even smell the classroom.

As he turned his head, his view moved as well so that he could look around and he experimented for a little while. It must have taken some complicated spells to set up the connection and he was impressed with the sophistication of the devices. He wondered absently what Professor McGonagall would see when she looked into her desktop mirror, but it was rather pointless speculation, and he put it aside as he heard the classroom door opening.

The chatter that surrounded him as the rest of the class made their way to their seats almost made him feel as if he was actually in the room. His nerves were still raw, but he found himself relaxing, at least partially.

"Welcome, class," Professor McGonagall said as she strode in from the back of the room, and Harry turned so that he could see her walking, "today we will be starting on the theory of the Animagus transformation. Although you will not be expected to learn the actual transformation, you will be expected to understand why and how it may be achieved for your exams."

Harry was graced with a small smile as the woman reached her usual teaching spot behind her desk and looked at him through the mirror.

"Yes, Mr Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said and Harry could not help turning his head to look.

Draco was sat towards the front of the class next to Pansy and was as immaculately turned out as ever. Harry had to sit on his sudden desire to attempt to step through the mirror as his more possessive nature decided to make itself known. Sitting through Transfiguration with a hard-on for his lover was not Harry's idea of fun, but he was rapidly coming to the conclusion that that was what he might have to do. If it was always going to be like this, he was not sure he'd ever pass his N.E.W.T.s.

"Would it be possible to arrange for extra tuition in the area if we find we have an aptitude for it, please, Professor?" it seemed that Draco could be remarkably polite if he set his mind to it.

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