Newt Imagine 1

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You've been in the Glade for about two months and everything's gone great. You fit I with the boys, love your job as a runner, and fallen in love. That's right. You are in love with one of your best friends, Newt. That blond haired, brown eyed, adorable boy. You had realized your feelings for Newt your first day here. He was the one who helped you out of the box when you had first arrived. Just the way he smiled at you gave you a weirdly familiar sense of safety. You broke out of your thoughts at the same time you broke out of the maze.

"Hey shank," you heard a playful voice yell from your right.

"Hey Newt," you said as you slowed down to the stop.

"How was your run?"

"Same as the others."

The two of you walked in silence to the map room so you could draw out your path that day. You glanced at your best friend as you walked the well known path and saw confusion and nervousness etched onto his handsome face. Snap out of it Y/N! He's your best friend! That's the only way he'll ever think of you. You opened the door to the map room, but an hand on your upper arm kept you from entering the small hut.

"What's up Newt," you asked your wish-he-was-your-boyfriend-but-is-only-your-best-friend.

"Will you go on a walk with me after dinner?"

"Sure," though it came out more as a question.

"Good that," he smiled nervously before walking back towards the Glade.

You did your drawings quickly so that you didn't miss any of dinner. You walked back to the Glades and ran into Thomas and Minho. They smiled and waited for me to catch up.

"Hey Y/N," Thomas greeted me.

"Hey guys! Do you know what's gotten into Newt?"

"What do you mean Y/N," Minho asked.

"He's been acting weird today. Haven't you noticed?"

"No," they both said at the same time.

"Okay," you trail off and walk away.

You sit with some of the other Gladers as you ate, but the one person you didn't see was the one you wanted to see the most, Newt. Dinner passed too slow for your liking. When you were don't with your plate you put it with the other dirty dishes and looked around, once again, for Newt. Finally you spotted him leaning against a tree on the edge of the little forest that was in the Glade. You made your way to him quite quickly. When you reached him he held out his hand, in which you placed your own.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while Y/N," Newt said as you began walking through the woods.

Could he? No Y/N. He doesn't feel he same. He's probably going to tell you that he knows you like him and he wants you to stay away.

"Oh, really," you tried to keep as calm as possible.

He stopped walking and turned to face you. You knew you looked confused as Newt slowly walked towards you, trapping you between himself and a tree.

"You've been driving me crazy since I saw you laying in the box. I love you Y/N. I love you so much. I'm done seeing you and wanting to kiss you, but not being able to. I can't resist you anymore," his voice quiet, but oh so sexy.

"Then don't," you have no idea where the confidence came from, but your hands wound themselves around his neck and you pulled his lips against yours.

The kiss was slow and full of passion. When you pulled away you kept your eyes closed. You felt a hand on your chin, lifting it up.

"Open your eyes Y/N," you heard Newts voice say. You did as you were told and looked up at the boy you love. He was smiling sweetly at you. "So I'm guessing you feel the same?"

"You guessed right."

"Will you be mine Y/N?"

You kissed him once again, this time just a peck.

"Does that answer your question?"

"I think it does."

The two of you walked hand in hand back to the Glade. Earning a knowing smile from both Minho and Thomas.


A/N: I hope you liked the first imagine! If you want one just let me know which boy and your name, hair and eye color, situation, and anything else you want me to include in the imagine. Thanks for reading!!! Love you guys! 😘❤️

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