Chapter 1

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A 8 year old Bootsy was on his way to the local library, he skipped down the sidewalk humming.
He skidded to a halt as a car pulled up beside him and the driver rolled down the window and asked where Bootsy's parents were, Bootsy just said that his mother was in the abandoned church that was a few blocks away. The person drove off, Bootsy continued skipping to the library.
Bootsy slowed down as he saw the library a few feet away. He walked up to the glass doors, opened one of them and went inside. He walked by the librarian, and said hi, the librarian said hi back.
Bootsy walked over to the warrior cat books. He picked up a warrior cat book called into the wild

 He picked up a warrior cat book called into the wild

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⬆️this is the book⬆️

Last time Bootsy was here he saw the warrior cats series and he really wanted to give the books a try.
He looked at the books cover and saw a pretty flame colored cat on the front and he whispered to himself "oh how pretty!" He walked over to a table with the book.
Bootsy started flipping through the pages, he carefully looked at the names of the characters.
A few minutes later Bootsy noticed a girl about his age walking over to him and in her hand she had a warrior cat book too. She stopped infront of Bootsy and started a conversation with him, "hello, my name is Samantha! What's yours?" Samantha holds out her hand so Bootsy could shake it.

Bootsy felt nervous, he never had anyone be friendly to him before, "um... my name is Bootsy."
"It's really nice to meet you Bootsy, I noticed that you were reading warriors, I read warriors too!" Samantha shows Bootsy her book.
"I can see that you just started reading warriors." Samantha said in a extremely friendly voice, Bootsy saw that Samantha was already on the book eclipse.

" Samantha said in a extremely friendly voice, Bootsy saw that Samantha was already on the book eclipse

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"Hey Bootsy I got to go, I hope to see you again soon! Bye!!!" Samantha ran off

So Bootsy went back to reading and all that good stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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