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Four men. They were standing across the street, looking through the crowds, their eyes hard. A cold shiver went through me and I immediatly turned to Will to tell him to run, but it was too late.

They had seen us.

"Run! Will, c'mon!!" I shouted and his eyes went wide when he saw the men chasing after us. We sprinted down the streets, the angry shouts of the men right behind us.

Will grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, into a darker alley. Oh great. Bad things always happen in alleys!

We ran to the escape staircase that you should use incase of a fire and and clambered up them. My lungs hurt from all the running we had done allready, but adrenaline pumped through my veins, ushering me forward.

The men were still close behind, and I could hear them climbing the metal steps when we reached the rooftop.

We hid behind a chimney and knelt to the floor while Will put a finger to my mouth. "Shh."

I tried to breathe normally and squeezed my eyes shut. I prayed they wouldn't find us, because there was no way I would jump down this roof without breaking some bones.

"I'm going to hold them off," Will whispered into my ear softly and I grabbed his arms and whispered angrily, "No you're not, this is not your fight, Will!" I held him tighter towards me sothat he wouldn't go running towards them  playing the hero. "It's my business, I don't want you to get hurt because of me!"

He gave me a pained smile and murmered, "this is more my fight than you could imagine."

And with that he dived around the corner, and threw himself at one of the men. I put a hand infront of my mouth from screaming his name, and felt the horror inside me make my heart beat faster. Oh god no, he'll die! Four against one, it's hardly fair-

When I dared to look around the corner, Will was allready onto the second man's chest, throwing well-aimed punches at his face. The other men lay on the floor groaning, or not uttering a word. I gasped as I saw one of them rapple himself up and make his way to Will, who was still occupied with the other man. Without another thought I ran up to him and jumped onto his back.

He tried to shake me off with an angry shout but I clenched my arms around his neck tighter, squeezing the air out of his trachea. I waited for him to colapse onto the floor, which should be in exactly 14 seconds from now. 13, 12, 11..

Will saw what was happening and immediatly jumped off of the man he had been punching and did a ninja-kick to the man's stomach. He fell to the floor instantly, groaning and crying out in pain. Well, I guess I could forget the other 10 seconds.

I stood up and ran towards the end of the roof, but the stairs had vanished. What-?

Will grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the other end of the roof. I heard one of the men, obviously the leader shout: "Get that son of a bitch!" and footsteps behind us.

"Will!" I shouted, when he broke off in a run, still holding my hand tightly. We were nearly at the end of the roof, and the other rooftop was about two metres away.

Wait, does he want to-

"JUMP!" he yelled as he launched himself off the roof.

And I did.

It was like when I jumped over the fire in my house - everything went in slow motion. I could see the alley beneath me, with it's grey stone floor that was practically shouting at me: Don't fall or this will hurt! I could see my outstretched foot, only a few centimetres away from the other rooftop. The shouts of the men behind me sounded like they were coming from miles away. And finally, I felt Will's hand tighten around mine.

Time sped up again and we landed on the rooftops, my hand letting go of his. My chin had grazed the floor and my elbows were aching - but I wasn't dead.

There wasn't enough time to look at my wounds because Will immediatly took my hand again and ran towards a staircase. We ran down them, and rounded a few corners before finally hiding behind a container, catching our breaths.

I couldn't hear any footsteps so I let out a sigh of relief.

I touched my chin and wondered why it didn't hurt at all anymore. Did it-

"Your wound is gone again," Will said taking my chin into his hands. I pushed him away and ran a hand through my tousled hair.

"Will, I can't do this anymore," I said squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm going on my own from now on."

"What do you mean?" he looked confused and I let out a frustrated moan.

"You. You saving me, risking your life for me. I don't ever want to see you in danger that I caused-"

"Okay, first off: You didn't cause all of this. If anything, it was them," he jabbed his thumb behind his back at the rooftops where the men had been, "and second of all: I can take good care of myself, Liv. But you can't you need me! You might not know it yet, but you do. And I won't leave you alone in this mess!" Will's eyes looked wild and I could see he was controlling his anger. But there was something else in his eyes-

"I don't care if you were my knight in shining armor, I just want you gone. Go, Will. This isn't your fight, I have to do this on my own, because no one can help me. I don't want you hurt because you are important to me!"

My chest rose and fell quickly as I clenched my fists and let the tears fall. Will's anger vanished and he looked at me in awe.

When he carried on just staring at me, I turned and stormed down the alley, not caring where I would go.

Dammit, why am I crying? Be happy, you're rid of him, he's going to be safe when he's not around you-

Suddenly I felt two warm hands grab my waist and push me against a wall and I let out a huge gasp. Will bent down quickly and pressed his lips to mine. There was an explosion inside my stomach. My whole body tingled and my heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst.

At first his lips were hard, almost aggresively desperate against mine. But when he pulled me closer towards him, I felt myself melt in his arms, putting my hands around his neck and pushing my body against his, while our lips moved in the same rythm. I forgot everything that had happened, all I could feel was the warmth of his body against mine, the pleasure of my skin tingling under his touch and the hollowness inside me slowly fill up. His lips were so soft against mine, it was a soft but passionate kiss. I tried to think properly, but all my thoughts just turned into nothing everytime I tried.

He suddenly broke free panting. His pupils were wide, his cheaks flushed and his hair was standing in all directions. And when I looked into his beautiful, rich blue eyes, his walls were down. He let me see into his real emotions, and I saw happiness and desire. I gasped when I realised that it was me he was looking at with those feelings. Me.

Everything I had said before was still in the back of my mind though. My heart was telling me to take him with me, carry on like before, but my mind was shouting at me to make him go, sothat I didn't have to worry about another person or risk his life.

Sometimes you have to listen to what your mind says and ignore your heart, Johanna's voice reminded me.

Will was still staring at me. We were still closely pressed together and I was a little out of breath. He put his forehead against mine and whispered: "Take me with you."

My heart leaped and before I could stop myself I was nodding. "Okay."

He smiled and broke away. I felt cold all of a sudden. What if he only did that to make me not want him to go?

But he only took a few steps before turned to face her, his hand outstretched. "You coming?"

I shook my head as if to clear it and smiled at him. "Yes.."

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