high of the battle

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bronze to summon wicked powers; part of the children's ryhme majority of nephilim learn at a young age. Valentine had a bronze belt, and all the demons had an edge of bronze somewhere on them. 

"We stick together. If we get separated, wait at the fountain at the crossroads." Jace instructed.

they all agreed to his plan, and then started on, slaying demons and healing the wounded.

a hydra demon lunged toward alec, jace pounced, slaying it, slaughtering it.

Clary and Isabelle fought back to back, slaying and stabbing and whipping and slashing.

a pack a rhaum demons surrounded them. Clary threw blessed knives and them and slashed them with her saraphs.

"Gabriel!" she cried, the blade lit up in an angelic glow, protecting the girls. Isabelle had fought and trained hard, but nothing could prepare her for the gor of a full on war. at every turn was a fiercly scented demon or a wounded or killed nephilim. clary turned around, Jace and alec had disapeard.

She began to panic, where was he? was he okay? was he dead? had Valentine found him? what's happening?

isabelle looked clary dead in they eye when she felt the other girl's panic. 

"Clarissa, get ahold of yourself, jace is fine. he can  fight and he'll be at the fountain."

they ran through the chaos to the fountain. jace stood there, infront of a man, the same height as jace, but an eery silver white colour of hair instead of golden honey.

they approached, and valentine smiled an acidic smile, showing his pearly teeth.

"finally, my two daughters and favourite son, together, at last."

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