The End

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Sasuke's POV

I stood in front of the KIA stone staring at one name.

Bara Uzumaki-Uchiha

We never were able to marry and have the kids I dreamed of.  But I wanted the woman I truly loved to bear my name. 

The council tried to make me marry and produce heirs to the Uchiha line.  But Naruto, now the Hokage, didnt allow them.  I made an agreement to provide sperm for my line to continue but I refused to marry.

Bara was truly my one and only. 

"You come here as often as I do now."

I looked up and saw my old sensei, Kakashi.  I didnt say a word, just simply looked back at her name.

" The pain will get easier.  You'll never forget her, but her loss will become easier to bear."

I still didnt say anything and he eventually left.  Its been five years since the war.  Its been six years since she died.  I returned to Konoha a month after the war ended.  I didnt feel like I belonged here but I knew Bara would want me to return.

I let a single tear escape my eye and turned to go home.  I looked at the grave one more time and noticed something.

A purple rose bloomed at the base of the KIA stone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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