Chapter Ten

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Whoo!! Tenth chapter! I'm so stoked (: Please please please comment and vote!

                I dried my tears and tried to make myself look somewhat decent. I applied some light make up that had been set out for me. I was so out of practice, I just stuck with the basics. I tried to cover the obvious scars and discoloration of my skin with foundation and powder and it helped a lot. I felt a tad better after the bags under my eyes were hidden as well. I enhanced my eyes with black eyeliner and very light eye shadow and mascara. I didn’t want to look too done up.

                I felt stupid, doing all of this. Lucas had already seen the real me. Even still, I felt as though I had something to prove. So I dried my hair and attempted at styling it. I was surprised at all of the products that were set out. This hotel was very nice.

                I ended up just straightening it. It was down to my hips. I had to admit. Even though my body was contorted, crooked and scarred, my hair was actually very nice. It was a bright blonde color and was naturally curly. Because of the two year break from products it had, it was strangely healthy. I had tried to keep it semi combed with my fingers and rinsed.

                I straightened the mass of my hair and managed to only burn myself a few times, but only mildly. As I stepped back, I tried to avoid my full naked body in the mirror. I really didn’t want to look any longer. I reached for my clothes and hoped that they were at least close to my size. I know it was selfish, but I really wanted to take advantage of my freedom. I wanted clothes that fit. I wanted to be pretty. I wanted to be a normal teenager. Well, besides the whole being a werewolf and having a mate and being entrapped for two years by my father… yeah… besides that.

                I unfolded the clothes and almost squealed with delight. They were so cute! Lucas had gotten me a pair of black leggings, a long white cami, a light denim shirt, a light pink scarf and brown boots. Seriously? I was almost creeped that he knew all my sizes. Then it kind of dawned on me. I was obviously emaciated. Hell, I looked like skin and bones. Small would be the obvious size. I looked like Terry Reid on one of her drug binges… Wait, was she still skinny and a suspected drug abuser? I had no idea. I quickly got dressed and looked in the mirror. It covered all of my scars besides the ones on my cheek and neck. I was very appreciative of that.

                I tried to ignore the nagging fact that the clothes just hung on my body. I had no shape or definition to my body at all. I sighed and exited the bathroom and room. I entered a short hallway that opened up into a living room and to the right was a kitchenette. I stood in the opening, not sure what to do.

                “Lucas?” I asked, barely above a normal speaking voice. I didn’t hear a response. I waited for a moment or so and then decided to go sit on the couch. I made my way into the living room, and just as I was about to sit down in one of the plush looking couches I heard a noise through a door to my left. I looked and the door was ajar and there was a voice.

                I walked over to the door and called for Lucas again. I heard some mumbling inside the room. I opened the door slightly and slipped through.

 “Lucas?” I called again.

The room was done in gold and red. It was very nice. I didn’t stop to admire it though. I heard the noise and voice coming from what looked like the bathroom across the room. I walked slowly to the door. It was opened and light was shining out of it.

I slowly peered around and what I saw made me want to shrivel up from embarrassment. Lucas was naked. Naked. Oh Gods.

I squeaked and covered my eyes. I spun around and zoomed out of the room as quickly as I could without running into too much. My breathing was heavy and my heart was racing. I had never really seen a man naked fully before. I felt like a total pervert. But he was so hot…

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. No. He was Lucas and he was not hot. Well, not hot for you! He was your savior and your only friend. He was practically family! He could not be hot. I stood in the middle of the living room, having a mental war with myself.

I heard a deep rumble behind me. It was Lucas laughing, I realized. My face flamed red and I was so embarrassed. “Lucas!” I gasped when I turned and he was in nothing but a towel. I gulped and didn’t look at his muscles. Or his V-Cut abdomen… Or the water droplets running down his cut body…

I closed my eyes briefly. I was dying. Oh Gods.

He laughed again and took a step forward. I instinctively took one back. He was practically naked!! This only made him laugh more. “I’m sorry Amethyst. I didn’t think you would be ready so fast. You look really good.” He said, eyeing me. This made me blush again and I fiddled with my hair. I mumbled a thanks and casts my gaze down.

I was aware he took a few steps towards me but I stood still. I wasn’t going to look like a coward and shrink back away from him, though I was sure he would totally understand. He paused in front of me and I felt his fingers touch my chin. Small sparks seemed to fly where he touched me. They slowly urged my head up, to look at him. I looked up and instantly regretted it. His dark brown eyes swirled with confusion, anger, and something else.

I knew he was angry at my father and the rest of the guard sand pack. I didn’t want him to feel that though. That was my burden. He saved me from that hell. That was enough. He should not carry any baggage because of me.

 “You are so gorgeous Amethyst. I will kill the bastards who hurt you and made you think differently.” He said firmly.

My breath caught in my throat and I couldn’t help but cherish those words. I knew he was just saying that to make me feel good but I didn’t care. Just hearing them was enough. His hand moved to caress my face and he looked into my eyes. Tingles and sparks danced across my skin. My heart was pounding in response to his nearness. I knew he was going to try to kiss me.

I really didn’t want to, but I moved and stepped back.

 I wasn’t ready. He sighed and dropped his hand and looked down. “I’m going to go get dressed. Then, I’m taking you out.” He said, looking up at me. I managed to smile back at him. He turned and went into his room and closed the door. I fell back onto the couch and tears welled up. God. I was so stupid. He was so stupid! He couldn’t kiss me! He couldn’t realize I wasn’t his mate…

He wouldn’t want me then.

I did my best not to cry and managed pretty well. Then Lucas walked out in tan khakis and Sperry’s with a different blue button up shirt. Must he look so gorgeous?

He smiled and walked over to me, reaching for my hand. I reached out and took it and those familiar tingles shot up my arm. I shivered and smiled. They felt so good racing through my system.

                He winked at me and I knew he felt them too. I let out a shaky breath and we walked to the door to leave.

                Was this a date!?

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