Chapter 2 ~ Getting Prepared

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Boxman, still blushing, noticed his robot son, Darrell, looking at him from outside his door. "Are you okay, dad? Your face is as red as a tomato!" Asked Darrell with concern. "U-um, I'm fine, Darrell. How did the mission go?" Darrell grinned, "I failed!". Boxman faced palmed. "Try again, tomorrow... oh, I almost forgot to mention something!"
"What is it?" Asked Darrell, walking into the room.
"Venomous and I are going to have a meeting tonight to discuss some things tonight. We'll be leaving at around eight o' clock. Fink will be coming over to be babysat, so you and the others should be prepared by that time. Make sure to tell them." Darrell bounced with glee. "No can do, daddy!" The red robot replied. He then proceeded to walk out of his father's office with a smile still plastered on his mechanical face.
It made Boxman happy to see his creation show so much joy.

The small, green-haired man went back to thinking about his date. Oh cob, what'll I wear? He went to his closet to see if he could find anything presentable. This was their first date, after all. Their first date... it all began to come back to him. The fact that HE was the one being asked out. A small giggle escaped his lips at the thought.


After telling his robot siblings about the night's happenings, they started to converse on the subject.
"He was blushing. That's why his face was red! His face always flushes when he talks to that purple man. I think he has a thing for him." Raymond said in his classic, all-knowing tone. "Actually, now that you say it... yeah! I've noticed it at other times, but didn't know why!" Added Darrell. "RAYMOND, OH MY COB! I didn't want to imagine that! Ew!" Proclaimed the disgusted Shannon.
The three siblings stared at their blue comrade.


~ Time skip ~
Boxman just finished getting ready when he heard a knock on the door. He was wearing a beige suit with a white dress shirt and matching beige bow-tie. "Oh my! He's here!" Boxman shouted to himself while jogging to the door as he shouted goodbyes to his robot children.

When he opened the door, he layed his eyes on a most handsome sight; Venomous with his hair slicked back and wearing a well-tailored, black,  suit with a pastel purple dress shirt and black tie. Boxman was in awe that the man standing in front of his short and chubby stature seemed to be interested in him. So much so to propose a date to a fancy restaurant! Boxman was a flustered mess, while Venomous seemed to compose himself. Even that wasn't enough though, because he too was blushing, but lightly.
"...You look very handsome tonight." Said Boxman. "You look stunning as well, Boxy." He replied.

"I don't want to hear this lovey-dovey mush! Can I go inside now, boss?" Fink whispered. "Yes, Fink. Make sure to be on your best behavior tonight." Her father replied. "Okay. Goodbye!" The green mouse said as she walked into Boxmore. The business partners could hear her as she yelled hellos to the others.
They then walked to the car of the slender man  with violet skin.

Author's note :
Sorry for the wait! I've been fairly busy lately. A new chapter should be coming next week!

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