chapter two

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right now you're feeling upset/depressed, exactly what i do not want you feeling at all. but it happens and i will try to help you.

whatever it is that made you upset, push it to the side right now. focus on me, focus on this. you, are human. you're going to have times where you just want to cry over and over until your body doesn't have any tears left in them. you're going to have times where you want to just lay there in silence, waiting for the world to swallow you up. there will be times where you give up, you're done and you can't take it/do it anymore. this is probably one of those times. we were put into this world for a reason, that reason being completely unknown. but what is known, is that we are all alive. we are alive and living. you may not feel alive, or look alive but you are. your heart is beating. and when your heart is beating, that overpowers the sadness. living overpowers the depression.

depression comes and goes, but the one thing that will always be there is your heart, beating every second of your life. whatever it is that caused you to feel this way and come here, tell it to fuck off. tell it that it can't consume you anymore. push through those hard thick walls that were made to break you down. say fuck you and break THEIR walls down. depression has nothing over you. depression is the devil, it feeds off your sadness. do NOT let the devil win. do not fall into it's trap. all those negatives that are trying to break you down, push them off. stand over them because YOU are in control. you are in control of you. no one else controls you. now, this thing or person who put you here, needs to just go. if they're or this thing is making you feel like this, you need to remove it. you need to be the one to do that because they won't. you need to push so hard and take over.

take slow and steady breaths in and out.
close your eyes and sit up.
get some water and keep drinking it here and there.
take your mind somewhere else.
put your phone down after reading this.
stay in a cool area, do not go where it's hot.
lastly, lay down and maybe nap/sleep.

on a funnier note, think of 90 day fiancé and colte and how larissa is a dumb hoe. think of selena and how her and her long whiskers love you. think of randy and how powerful he is. think of zendaya only, not tom because he betta pray up. think of how much she loves you. think of how much PEOPLE love you. everyone you come across loves you, in so many ways. i love you.

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