Randy x Brook | teach me

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Idk if this is too early in the book but I really was inspirationless and someone requested a threesome so here we go, idk how this will turn out

Rye's pov
I had just gotten out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, walking towards my room when I heared some noises, they were pretty soft but it sounded like the person couldn't contain them. I decided to ignore it and walked to my room, got dressed and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast.


Me and Brooklyn has just come home from watching a quite childish movie that brook just had to watch and put our jackets away. Jack and Sonny were still at the cinema because they decided to watch a horror movie, which I've already seen and brook didn't want to see. Andy told us he felt a bit ill so he stayed at home. Expecting him to be asleep we were dead silent going inside of the house. Brook jumped on the couch and I went upstairs, hearing the same noises from this morning again, but this time louder. They were coming from Andy's room and I realised what was happening. I put my hand out to open the door and felt myself already getting tighter in my jeans. I opened the door to Andy fingering himself. He hasn't seen me so I unzipped my pants and started pumping my cock.

Andy's pov
I looked up and shockingly saw Rye standing there at the door pumping his cock at the pace I was fingering myself. I stood up and pulled him inside. Closing the door and then slamming him against it. I was about to connect our lips before he quickly flipped us around so that my back was against the door. He kissed me roughly and then picked me up, walking towards the bed and putting me down "quit touching yourself princess" he said and let his hands roam around my body. I sat up and grabbed his cock, pumping it and putting my mouth around the head, teasing him with my tongue. He let out a grunt before the door swung open. "ANDY ARE YOU O-" a shocker and worried Brooklyn said. Rye pulled away from me and I whined, "such a needy slut" he said teasingly before turning to brook. "I'm sorry brook this shouldn't have happened" he said but brook quickly answered "can you teach me?" He asked

Rye's pov
I was shocked but turned to Andy, asking for permission, he gave me a nod and I closed the door behind brook. "Off" I commanded and pointed at his clothes. He was quick to strip down and meanwhile Andy was walking up to us. He couldn't contain himself and kissed brook, he was carefull with him but quickly moved onto his neck, littering hickeys all over while brook let out a small gasp when Andy reached his sweet spot. I pulled Brooklyn away from and and put him on the bed. First I turned to Andy and kissed him, all the way down but teasingly pulling away and turning back to brook, who was rolling his hips against the bed. "Go on" I said to Andy and pointed at brook, mentioning him to go and sit on the bed too. I grabbed brooks cock and started pumping it. He let out a moan and his hand grabbed around, finding its way to Andy and doing the same to his cock. "Fu-fuck" he let out with a moan. "Andy, ginger him like you fingered your pretty hole earlier" I commanded and He let his hand travel up brooks thigh before pushing one finger in. Brook let out a gaspy moan and I decided to put my mouth around him. I went all the way down to his balls and and teased them with my lip. He was now a moaning mess as Andy pushed in another finger. I pulled away to pump my own cock but Andy took advantage of it as he pushed himself into brook. Brooklyn gritted his teeth at the pain but quickly relaxed and rolled his eyes back in pleasure while letting out such a loud moan. Andy started to slowly trust into him and I couldn't help myself. I, without warning, pushed my cock into Andy and started smacking our hips together, the sound of skin smacking and moans filling the room. My abs tightened as I was about to cum, at the same time u heared brook say "I-I Andy I'm gonna cum" but he released after he said that. Making Them both moans and making me release inside of Andy and Andy inside of brook. We pulled away and I stood up, grabbing a wet cloth to clean us 3 up. "Don't tell anyone" I heared andy say softly into brooks ear as they cuddled up together. When I was done cleaning us up I got in the bed on the other side of Andy and cuddle up with them both, soon hearing soft snores coming from brook.

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