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Liam's POV

When Hayden called I knew that she knew everything there is honestly no way that Klaus didn't not tell her about me or the fact that the supernatural does exist.

When I explained the whole story to her about how I met Scott and how I came to be a werewolf she accepted it and was supportive.

But what mattered was if she was going to keep the secret which she thankfully promised that she would and after that we just went back to normal for the most part.

There is one thing....

I know I promised Scott that I wouldn't do anything to Stefan, Elena, and Damon but I just was so angry that I did something....

When I went to go grab the syringes with vervain in them I ended up putting werewolf venom mixed with the vervain because Klaus just can't get away from everything especially when it comes to messing with me.

Soon enough they will begin to feel it and it will eat away at them and eventually they will die from it cuz that's what werewolf venom does.

When Klaus comes back though I need to be prepared because I know the next time I see Klaus it isn't gonna be a friendly visit.

The thing I hate the most is that I'm gonna have to tell Scott everything and he isn't gonna be happy but oh well...

Now all I wanna do is spend as much time with Hayden as I can cuz who knows how long I have left before Klaus comes back for me.....


Hey guys!

And that's a wrap for this novel! I really hope that you guys have enjoyed it! And thank u for those of u who stuck with me through my very very slow updates to this novel cuz I know I've been writing it for a really long time.

I have some good news! I have decided to make a sequel to this story!

I made the cover for the novel and now I am just working on the story and working on the first chapter !

When I first publish the next book it will be information about the novel to kinda give u guys some info about it!

Thank u for sticking around☺️

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