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she was born michayla grace on november 20th, 1995 to proud parents karen and daryl clifford.

the very picture of beauty, emerald eyes, chubby cheeks and tiny hands. they'd dress her in pretty pink dresses, tiny sparkly shoes. she was a little ray of sunshine, and adored by all who laid eyes on her.

when she'd come of age, the cliffords would enroll their young daughter in ballet classes. dance instructors would teach her even from a very young age to see herself as less than perfect. it was always meant to help the girls in striving to become better dancers, but it had a lasting effect on michayla.

the more she went to these classes, the more the young girl realized she didn't wish to be the very essence of beauty and grace; to be a perfect lady, to wear the leotards and tutus and pretty pink slippers.

she'd express her discontent enough for the cliffords to take her out of ballet class, deciding on bringing her to the park to expand her horizons a bit. to make friends with young girls her age.

michayla didn't like playing princesses and dolls with the other girls. she didn't believe them when they said boys had cooties; she was infatuated with boys.

the more she was brought to the park, the more often she'd flock to where she could play trucks with the boys, talking about how gross the other girls were. she'd come home with mud all over her pretty pink clothes, and it was then that her parents would start to notice something odd.

they'd need to buy the girl new clothes, and for once karen would listen to her daughter. maybe she'd let go of society's forced gender roles. she'd let michayla buy what clothing she wanted, even if it meant not a single outfit she'd chosen was meant for girls.

as the girl grew up, her mind never changed. all of her friends were boys, she was still entirely fascinated by them. why can't girls be boys? she would ask herself. why couldn't she just wake up one day and not have to be a girl anymore?

by the eighth grade, her figure had begun to change into something more curvy and feminine, chest developing into something that made her sick; she absolutely did not want to be a girl anymore.

she'd come home from school one day soon after this to tell her parents she now wanted to be called michael, that she wanted to be treated like a boy. to be called he. to be bought special undergarments she'd researched that would make her figure appear more masculine. to have her hair cut- to forget michayla.

michayla didn't exist anymore, and a decision had been made.


((lowercase intended))

hi yes so i unpublished my other fic bc i need to revamp it and rebuild my muse for it

on another note i literally have the strongest muse for this fic o god i've been sitting on this idea for weeks and finally decided to do something about this so yeah

i know i'm still kind of new again here and i don't really have readers but shrug emoji enjoy anyway


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