The Moon Meets the Sun

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"So you'll take the job?" 

Gavin stood in the chief's office shuffling around nervously unsure if he heard correctly. 

"I'm flattered, but are you sure I'm the best for the Job?" 

"You're plenty good enough. You won't just be protecting him but investigating as well. What do you say? Will be good for you to get away since you've been so mopey lately." 

" A job is a job." 

"That's what I like to hear. Go home and pack. You're supposed to meet at the airport tonight around 7pm. The airport staff are expecting you so you should be able to get in no problem. Once there you'll be briefed by Kiro's agency." 

"Got it." 

Gavin turned around not expecting anything else to be said until the chief softly whispered, "Try and relax, it may be a job, but you can have some fun every once in awhile too you know."


             He walked out of the office with thoughts swirling like a storm. He was not nervous because of the job, but rather that he would be able to meet the bright Idol that plagued his thoughts daily. Recently Gavin had not been the most happiest person due to being rejected by his long time crush. Instead she chose some rich CEO or something saying that they were ever only friends despite the many times they had kissed or went on dates. He had felt totally lead on and it was at his darkest point that he heard happy upbeat music interrupting his angry workout music. It surprised him how much he could match the rhythms with every hit. It took just one song and he was frantically searching the internet for that bright music that pulled his heart out of despair. Once he found the song, finding the artist was easy. He was slightly surprised to find it was the hottest idol in Loveland right now, and even more so that this upbeat flightly music could capture his attention. Gavin did not usually find this type of thing to be enjoyable and preferred heavy guitar and more raw music. This on the other hand was so different and new to him that 4 months later he was still listening to Kiro's music daily and even making an alternate account to keep up with the Idol's daily life and other things. 

            He looked up at the night sky relishing in not being able to see the moon because of the city lights shimmering. It felt like he was in a dream. He would finally get to meet, talk, and get to know the person who helped him find some semblance of happiness. If Gavin thought about it, he was like the moon, hiding behind a farce of city lights and Kiro was the sun, shining brighter than any man made light ever could. The walk to the airport was uneventful and he was able to get onto the plane with no issues. Walking in he noticed a couple people dressed in suits with name tags but no Kiro to be seen yet. The atmosphere in the cabin was nervous excitement with tinge of fear radiating from all those standing before him. Not showing his disappointment, he walked closer to the chattering group wanting to find out as much about the case as possible. A young woman noticing him walking towards them spoke in a high pitched voice that got everyone's attention. 

"You must be Gavin, welcome and sorry we all seem a little high wired. With everything going on lately, we are all a bit on edge." She lowered her head for a short introduction before handing him her business card. 

"It's to be expected. So want to fill me in on the exact details?" 

She did not expect his response to be so short but went on with the explanation regardless. Must be a cop thing.

"Well I'm sure you know the basics, but lately Kiro's filming locations have been leaked. This isn't in itself much of a surprise as fangirls are crazy good detectives, but I'm quite certain fans don't shoot at their favorite idol, therefore we are afraid that it's an inside job and someone wants to hurt him. That's why we hired you, at least for this week you'll just be a body guard and getting to know everyone and how things work. Once we get back we expect you to lead the investigation to hopefully put an end to this." 

"So basically I'm here for the week to baby sit?"

"Baby sit is a strange way of describing it, but sure if that's what helps you sleep at night."

      She walked closer and on her tiptoes whispered "We also know that you have an evol like Kiro, that's why you were chosen, but I'm the only one that knows this. You are not to use it under any circumstances unless it truly is a life or death situation. This isn't just about Kiro as an idol, but as an evolver."         

She moved backwards with a sheepish grin and then gestures to some empty seats in the back.. Now it all made sense, this is not some regular assassination thing. If Kiro has an evol or is somehow related to the other things he was investigating then this is way more complicated. What boggled his mind is how that woman knew he had an Evol. She was first on his suspect list for sure. Not wanting to continue standing he made his way back to the last row of seats curious as to how a cabin of a plane could be so lavish. It was designed with a very specific type of people in mind. Definitely not a middle class cop. It made him uncomfortable that it basically looked like an upscale hotel lobby. There was plenty of room for the 15 or so people on board. Even the seat he now rested on was comfy enough to fall into never to be seen again. Just as he was getting lost in all the new things around him a loud boyish voice rang out in the cabin. 

"Who's ready to go to an island?"

"Hurry up and get to your seat Kiro and try not to be so loud." 

        That must have been his agent speaking to him so familiarly. After a clap on the shoulder the blonde made his way to the back row where Gavin sat. Looking closely at the unfamiliar face Kiro plopped down paying no mind to the new face. 

"You must be my new body guard for the week."


"Have you ever been to an island?"

"Not outside of work." 


        Gavin not usually a talkative person was not sure how to handle this ball of energy practically exploding beside him. Kiro on the other hand inched himself closer pursing his lips as he did so. Such a party pooper was supposed to stick to him like white on rice for a week? hmmmm, not liking the silence he decided to back away and pull out his laptop. 

"Do you like movies?" 

"Not particularly. Depends on who I'm seeing it with I guess." 

"Ohh so you're one of those guys." 

       Finally Gavin looked at the blonde curiously. 

"What kind of guy?"

"Oh I just mean that you're more invested in making memories rather than material stuff. That must annoy your girlfriend though."

Turning away Gavin did not know how to respond. 

"I-I don't have one." 

Surprised that such a thing could be possible, Kiro again squinted and looked closely at Gavin's red ears. He chuckled to himself. Perhaps he was wrong and his new body guard was just the silent but strong type. 

"Weell, I have some super hero movies on my laptop downloaded and since the flight is around 3 hours we should be able to get through one and then we can talk about it for the rest of the time, sound good?" 

"Sure, though I should be getting your testimony at some point about the recent happenings." 

"Ohh yeaa, how about before we go to bed since you're going to be in my room anyways." 

Gavin simply nodded his head and watched Kiro easily pull up the movie that they were to watch. Despite what the blonde said earlier, he nodded off as soon as the plane lifted off and was leaning sweetly on Gavin's shoulder. Not wanting to disturb the tired Idol he let the sleeping sun stay and watched the movie by himself. He wasn't really nervous or giddy that Kiro was laying against him, more amused than anything. He was right about him being like the sun though. He could only imagine the week that he was in for, yet he looked forward to it.  

Ohoho well what do you think so far? This is not the MC and Gavin special I promised but still cute right? I'll get to it eventually, this just had to be written out today with no questions asked. If you like be sure to vote or leave a comment, it really motivates me to keep writing. I also really enjoy hearing back from anyone that reads this stuff. I hope to update again soon but for now enjoy this originally supposed to be a short project!!

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