The Moon Rises

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            The plane ride was uneventful besides a little bit of turbulence and Kiro drooling but none of that really bothered Gavin. As much as he wanted to enjoy the warmth of the other male, he was anxious to at least get a start on the investigation, but he could do nothing until he got Kiro's testimony. It's not like Gavin actually wanted time to stop or anything, he just wanted to work and keep his mind busy. 

             His muscles ached as he stretched out in the seat to the sound of a deep voice booming on the speaker to buckle up and prepare for landing. Looking up, Kiro saw Gavin staring down at him curiously. He had not realized that he was leaning on anyone at all. Embarrassed and with a tinge of red on his cheeks he hastily sat up almost dropping his laptop.


Just before it slid off Gavin saved it like a knight in shining armor as Kiro thought to himself.

"Sorry about that. And I even had the nerve to fall asleep too." 

"Don't worry about it." 

Kiro pursed his lips at the curt reply. The blonde found his new body guard extremely interesting to say the least. Why were his replies so simple? The quiet and strong type- exactly the kind of guy that would be a cop. 

         The plane landed and soon they were off and gathering their luggage walking side by side to the line of taxis waiting in front of the airport. Everyone was tired and looking forward to bed, all but the only person who could be so energetic after 3+ hours on a plane regardless of how luxurious it was. The pale moon shone dim freckles of light on the sea and just before getting into the car awaiting them, Kiro pointed out the moon.

"Wooow, you don't get to see this kind of sky in the city. Nothing beats seeing the moon on such a clear night." 

"It's just a ball of reflective rock floating uselessly in the sky." 


Kiro sat down huffing as he did so not sure how to respond when a thought struck him. Thank the heavens for science class. 

"Sure, it might just seem like it reflects the sun's light, but it also controls the tide or something like that." 

"Something like that? I fail to see your point but I suppose you aren't wrong." 

"Of course I'm not wrong." 

         The conversation died down and in silence both parties followed the passing scenery with little interest. Gavin was too tired to pay attention and Kiro was excitedly planning his escape. No way was he going to just go to sleep like that. Gavin did begin to wonder though how he would handle this mass of energy sitting beside him. Even if he was sometimes dence, he knew there was no way this kid was going to just go to sleep. He had already bet that the idol was planning how to give him the slip. He was not prepared for such a blunt approach.

"I know I should just go to sleep like a good idol, but I know there won't be much free time after tomorrow so perhaps we could do a little exploration?"

"What about filming tomorrow? Won't you be tired?"

Kiro plopped down on the bed thinking. 

"Sure, but I'm an actor, if I couldn't hide sleep deprivation I would need to find a new occupation." 

Before Gavin could object Kiro grabbed his arm and rushed out the room and down the halls like a madman. There was no way he was letting the stone cold cop object. You only live once is the motto the idol lived by. 

Because of a festival, the town was still up and bustling. The pair stopped by food stalls gathering all sorts of goodies all while Gavin tried to talk Kiro into going back to the hotel. Anything could happen and he did not want to take chances. In the end all that could be done is to follow the flashy blonde and make sure he didn't get hurt. He watched in silence as Kiro ate and played games and conversed with the locals. He had to wonder why someone would want to harm such a happy go lucky person, but then again, if it involved Evols it made sense. What sort of Evol could this idol have, it had to be dangerous if people wanted him dead. Maybe some sort of element type like himself? No, it would be unlikely. If that woman knew about both of them, she had to know more about what was happening. Gavin was under the impression that few souls knew about Evolvers and even fewer had names. What could she know? Where did she fit into this puzzle? Lots of questions and little answers. He was walking silently beside Kiro who had tired of the hustle of the town. The kid seemed to get along with everyone, and everyone was not an understatement. Gavin changed his thought train to how easily it was for the idol to get along with others. A crying child consoled just a few moments ago with a simple coo and an old man who said himself he usually didn't get along with youngsters. 

"Yo, lets go to find a spot near the sea and eat all these goodies." 

Kiro lead them to a small fountain that sat on a hill overlooking the sea. It was just off the main road but still secluded enough for those seeking privacy. 

"Why are we here?" 

Blue eyes clashed with golden brown as the sound of the sea became the only noise heard besides soft breathing from the two men standing arms heavy with food.

"Obviously to eat all this food." 

"Anyone ever said you smile alot?" 

"Plenty of people." 

Kiro sat down paying the other male no mind. 

"Some have even called it my super power." 

Gavin sat down beside him putting all the food down.

"Super power huh."

"I'm only kidding." 

Kiro stuck his tongue out not realizing that he had given Gavin an idea as to what his Evol was. The blonde on the other hand sat quietly munching on food. If this was like any other time, his new body guard would already be under his spell. The thought depressed him slightly. It always happened to be the case. He could make any sort of person like him. It was both a blessing and a curse. Always wondering if someone liked him for who he was or if it was just his super power. Everyday was a constant battle of anxiety and fear that everyone would realize he was nothing special. Putting his food down the blonde pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his chin there looking like a small child to Gavin.

"Well, if it is a super power it's pretty neat." 

"You only say that because you don't have to deal with it." 

"Perhaps, but you're an idol. It's only natural that you have lots of people that like you." 

Kiro looked beside him and saw the moon shining lightly on Gavin. It was an ethereal sight to behold. He was stretched out lazily and looking up at the sky with such a blank face.

"Yet no one dislikes me."

"Apparently someone does." 

Gavin still didn't look at Kiro, but he switched topics seeing that the bright creature beside him was dimming. He just had to be careful not to comment on the evol part. 

"Sorry, I'm not good at comforting people, but if it's any consolation, after meeting you, I find you to be really highstrung and you're definitely not my usual type of friend, but you're music did help get me through some dark times."

"Really? So you don't like me rather my music?'

"That's paraphrasing and taking out of context what I said. You just aren't my usual crowd is all." 

Finding the response to be funny, Kiro laughed unsure if that was a compliment or insult. 

"What did my music help with exactly?" 

Gavin hid his mouth and tilted his head down looking at this sun incarnate. 

"I'm pretty sure I mentioned I got rejected by a woman I had loved for a really long time, well your music happened to disrupt my self pitty playlist and since then I've been listening to it regularly."

"Well, that girl really lost out on a good guy." 

"I don't need you to pity me, I'm over it." 

"It isn't pitty, I sincerely think that person missed out big time." 

"You don't even know me." 

"That's fair, but I am still going to think that." 

They laughed and for once in his life, Gavin felt relaxed enough to just talk and enjoy another human's company. They both knew they would regret staying up so late, but somehow it would all work out. 

Welp, this is by far not a good or well written chp but I'm at a loss on how to make it better at this point in time so I'll just let it simmer until I can fix what I don't like. I hope yall enjoy none the less.    

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