New Feelings

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Still no testimony and dead tired Gavin detested the incessant knock on the door and the ringing of his alarm clock. He wanted nothing more than to stay curled up in his warm blanket on the cloud called a bed. Try as he might, a jab to his cheek caused him to shoot up and pin the perp down. His reflexes surprised the idol who did not think his decision through at all.

"Well someone is finally up." 

He giggled as Gavin released his arm and slid off the idols back. 

"You should know better than to antagonize someone who can break your arm."

"Hmm, what if I liked the pain?" 

Gavin sat opposite on the bed looking at kiro wondering if the idol was serious. His mouth sat agape while Kiro broke out into hysterics. 

"Oh man you should have seen your face man, you really took that seriously-hahahahahahahaha." 

The knocking stopped and the door opened with Kiro's agent stepping in, Kiro you need to be at the front of the hotel in 45 minutes so please don't dally." The agent took a look at Gavin and nodded then left as fast as he came. 

"Some people are into that kind of stuff." 

In an instant Kiro stopped laughing and watched the brunette male get up and dig around in his suitcase. Wait, were people actually aroused by something like that? Kiro thought about it but couldn't understand how anyone would want to intentionally feel pain at the hands of someone you cared about. He crossed his legs and followed Gavin as he walked to the bathroom. 


"Hmm?" Gavin stopped and looked at sky blue eyes. 

"Is it true? Do people actually get aroused by that kind of stuff?" 

With no words Gavin walked into the bathroom unsure of what to say. No way was he about to ruin someone's innocence, especially this person's. Though he wondered how anyone could be so naive. He would get stuck with someone so clueless, then again, it was this clueless kid that helped him through that horrible experience. He laughed, he would not be the one to explain all the possible ways people could get aroused by pain. There would be no point, it should be something he learns about on his own and with someone he at the very least trusts. No point in having that talk. Still, it was going to be a long week for sure, and he was no closer to getting a testimony from Kiro or understanding this case. 

Seeing Gavin fresh and looking much better than when he woke up Kiro walked up to him wanting to know more about the conversation from earlier. He had always been told he had been too innocent for this kind of stuff and none of his agency took the time to talk to him man to man, and the girls were too wrapped up by his charm to even notice him as a real person. In a way he had begun to realize that he shines brightly over everyone that it made him an untouchable. No one would dare to get close enough to really get to know him. He was just too far away for most people, but here was someone in the same realm as him. A man shut off from the world and no reason to be more involved than he had to. He also seemed like a lot of fun once you really got to know him. It was odd, but Kiro already felt a kinship with this other male. They were outcasts, but in a totally different sense when comparing the two. 

"Snap out of it, you have to be downstairs in five minutes."

"Ohh, yea, but hey about that thing you mentioned earlier, is it really true?" 

Gavin squinted eyes and grabbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Of course this guy wouldn't forget so easily.

"Listen, I'm not your sex ed teacher, just a bodyguard here to protect you for the week and handle your case, if you really are curious, porn sites exist for a reason." 

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