subs and boosters i use::
on day 1 i also had a flush added to my boosters playlist cuz a beech was stoopidmy skin is some bs and it's been bs my whole life
my skin is hella sensitive so i can't use any products as my face will break out and swell
ikr it's some bsn e gays the reason i chose clear skin is because i want to see if it'll clear my bs skin obviously
i'm going in with the mindset: if it can clear this sheet it can do anythingi've been trying to clear my skin for a long time now and if i'm being honest it has been clearing up
all i do to my face is wash it with soap and water since i can't use products
a few months ago my face started clearing but i had (and still have) acne scars so the timing sucked
so here i am :D
day 1 ⇣