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"Lily, are you sure that you'll be fine?" James asked, eyes searching his wife's deep emerald ones for an answer. He had already asked a million times, but he had to be sure.

"For the last time, James, I'll be fine. The only thing that I'll have to worry about is your concern!" Lily snapped back kindly. She always had patience with her husband. "Look," she said, searching his deep chocolate eyes, "the kids are fine. Harry's six months old now, Amaryllis is two, and Lukas is almost three. In addition to that, I'm twenty-three. I'm old enough to take care of myself, James."

James sighed, searching the depths of her shining emerald eyes. Only one of the children had inherited her eyes, with the older two getting his own chocolate ones. "Okay. I'll trust you." He grinned at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't get in too much trouble!" And then he was gone.

Lily sighed, smiling fondly after her husband. He was so childish, well, he and the rest of the Marauders. None of them quite seemed to grasp the fact that they were responsible adults with children now. Sirius and Remus had finally entered a steady relationship, she and James had three children, and Peter talked about a Muggle girlfriend that he had. They were all happy, and the only damper on their happiness was the fact that the children were being targeted.

None of them was quite sure which child it was, but Lily had a heavy, dark feeling in her chest that it was little Harry, her youngest. James, of course, thought that it was Lukas, since he was the oldest and would be the first one to become a threat. But a mother always knows, and Lily knew, just knew, that it was her little Harry who the Dark Lord was after.

Lily ascended the stairs slowly, quietly. Her children were sleeping. She didn't want to wake them up, not like the Marauders always did. They might be young, but they all had good strong lungs and they knew how to use them.

She entered their room slowly, wand out. They were all sleeping peacefully, apart from little Harry, who was staring at her with those wide emerald eyes of his. He had gotten her eyes exactly, down to the hidden depths and reflective shine. He was the one most like her, although he was James in looks. He looked exactly like James, apart from his eyes and a more delicate structure, but his personality was all her.

She pulled Harry out of the crib he shared with his siblings and rocked him gently, sitting down in the chair she'd had put in the room for just that reason. He burbled gently, eyes following her every movement. His sister, Amaryllis, rolled over in her sleep, clutching at Lukas.

Amaryllis was interesting. She also had her father's wild, untamable black hair, her mother's delicate structure, and her face was a mix between James' traits and her traits. James' eyes and nose and ears, her cheeks and mouth and chin.

And then there was Lukas. He had her fiery red curly hair and mostly her features too. He had his father's build and eyes and temperament, but the rest of him was all her.

Harry had been the only one of her children to inherit her temperament and eyes, both of his older siblings going after James in those regards. Lukas had been the only one to inherit her hair. Amaryllis was the only one who was a mix of both of them.

They were all her children, and she loved them all fiercely.

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