Chapter Eight - Missed Me Or My Ass?

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Stay close to people who feel like sunshine. ~ Xan Oku

Sydney's POV

Those fuckers may have let me come home, but they've still assigned ops at least every week or so...Okay some of that is my doing since I possess certain skills or perform at a cailber that no other agent does. And yes, that is me bragging. I've also implemented myself in many long-term ops in which I'm vital to a successful outcome as insurance. They're still pricks though.

But I'd rather deal with the pricks at school than the billionaire pricks who are currently my employers. At least I can intimidate most of the school with a look. Unfortunately I can't touch either unless I want to deal with shit storm.

"Oh, girl! Yes, love the outfit!" Kalinda compliments in greeting.

I mean the outfit wasn't too different than what I usually wore, but the pants were new—burgundy leather moto leggings. I had thrown on an low cut gray sweater with a lace bralette and left my black motorcycle boots on, since I'd taken my bike today. It was an unusually cool day since it was only mid September. Still though, Kal's compliments always made my days a little brighter. Hell, her presence was like a fucking little ray of sunshine.

I smiled, "Thanks, Kal, But I should be saying the same to you. I'd totally go gay for you."

Kalinda nudged me playfully, "I do this for you, babe."

We chuckled as I walked over to the cafeteria to meet Halle, Nick and Dylan. Nick had his arm around his girlfriend—some chick named Cheyenne. Let put this as nicely as possible: Cheyenne was a fucking cunt who could kiss my ass.

"Uh, Cindy," Cheyenne spoke up, casting her eyes at me in disdain.

"It's Sydney," I deadpanned. We've only gone to school together since fourth grade.

She rolled her eyes before continuing, "Why does that guy keep looking at you?"

"Maybe because Sydney is beautiful," Kal deadass stated.

"Or you know—likable," Halle muttered.

I smiled before glancing over in the mystery boy's direction. His dark curls brush over his forehead and, his muscles are prominent even beneath his burgundy hoodie. He pushes up his sleeves to reveal his muscled forearms and some of his ink before walking over. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Cole approached wearing a shit eating grin, "Hey, Sydney. Surprised to see me?"

"Not so much surprised as irritated," I quip, immediately pulling an indifferent facade into place, "What'd ya finally get kicked out of your last school or lose the scholarship?"

Cole shrugged before that irritating smile returned to his face, "Maybe I missed you, Syd."

"Missed me or my ass?" I retorted, raising a brow.

He chuckled, "No comment. Besides-" he leaned over to Dylan and Halle- "She'd probably break my jaw if I answered honestly." He leaned back. "So, Syd. Don't be rude introduce me to you friends"

I flashed him a cold smile before responding, "Guys, this is Cole. Cole, that's Kalinda, Halle, Nick, and Dylan." I pointed to the respective person.

My friends politely greeted him before I came up with some bullshit excuse of needing to show Cole around. That, and I wanted to keep him as far away from my old life as possible.

As we were walking away he asked, "Who was the self righteous brunette trying burn a hole in your face?"

"Oh, Cheyenne? Well, I thought I was only supposed to introduce my friends."

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