Interview with leigh_

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Hi guys! I'm sure you all know about the story friendship for dummies! It's an awesome story by leigh_ filled with romance and drama :) so today I did an interview with leigh_ !! I hope you like it!!


Hi Leigh! so to start off where did you get the idea for Friendship for Dummies?


Honestly, I'm not exactly sure where I got the idea from. I guess I've always had a bit of a thing for the 'childhood best friend' stories, but I put a bit of a spin on the usual idea. The details of the plot just kind of sprung from there, really. Some people have asked me whether it's based on any real life experience, but everything about that story is fictional. I never had a childhood best friend like Connor, haha.

Haha cool:) So in a few sentences describe Friendship for Dummies.

leigh_ :

Georgie and Connor were best friends as kids - completely inseparable. However, everything changes when, at the age of eight, Connor's family are forced to relocate to New York. Eight years on, and Georgie can barely remember her former best friend. It couldn't come as more of a shock when Connor steps back into her life as a moody, obnoxious sixteen-year-old - one drastically different from her childhood best friend. And, for some reason, hates her.

Tell us some things about yourself that your readers don't know.

leigh_ :

I'm not sure how much they know about me, haha. I'm honestly not that interesting! Other than the obvious (my obsession with Taylor Swift, The Hunger Games and Sarah Dessen books come into that category, I think), I'm a ridiculous perfectionist, I have really neat handwriting, and I don't have a favourite colour. And I'm English (but again, is that one obvious?).

How do you make sure you update consistently for your readers?

leigh_ :

Uh... I'm sad to say I don't, lol. Lately I've been getting really bad at updating, what with piles of school work and writer's block and everything else. Somehow, I got out of the habit of writing in advance, which is something I really regret. For my next story, I'm going to try to do that again. But yeah... for those of you who are still waiting for The Baby Project, I'm sorry.

Do you think you'll do a sequel? Or will it be a bit too much?

leigh_ :Nope, I'm not doing a sequel. I'm not a fan of sequels anyway, and I don't think it's the type of story where a sequel would work well. The story of Connor and Georgie is told now, I think. But don't worry, this definitely isn't the last of my writing! With any luck, there'll be quite a few more to come.

If you could please give any tips on writing for your readers, what would they be?

leigh_ :Don't give up. Keep at it, and you will get better with more practice. Reading back over some of my old stuff that I wrote last year, I can see how much I've improved. And that's in a pretty short space of time. Even if you feel like you're a bad writer (a lot of the time I do), or that nobody's reading your work, don't give up. There'll be someone out there who's reading and enjoying your writing, and you don't want to disappoint them.


So if you haven't already read Friendship for Dummies please go and check it out! It's an awesome story and you're bound to love it:)

There will be more interviews to come, but until they come

Love the world xoxox

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