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(This is my first story so sorry if it sucks also i have trouble with spelling and gramer so please correct me if u want to)

~No ones pov~

"When did i last see the sun light?" 

Ash asked her self as she stared at the four walls that hid her from the world. This space was her room. The room only had a bed with thin blankets, a side table, and a few shirts and pants.


The sudden sound rang through the almost empty room as she gets up and walks to the door. As she walks up the stairs she felt a cold rush though her body. As her body neared the door, her legs kept moving slower and slower not wanting to go to the man she calls 'dad'.


 As she heard this a rush of fear washed over her and she ran to the living room. As she reached the room she felt a pain shoot through her face as she fell to the ground. 


 "I-i'm sorry sir" 

Ash responds as she started to get up. As she reaches her feet, her 'dad' punched her right in the jaw once again knocking her off her feet. This time though he doesn't give her a chance to get up as he starts to kick her in the stomach. As the time passed her 'dad' got tired of doing the same thing and grabbed one of the many empty bottles of alcohol that littered the floor.

"Stand up,"

 Once these words left his mouth, Ash knew what was to come. Ash tired her best to stand as quickly as possible so it won't be any worse but she kept failing and that didn't sit well with her 'dad'. As she failed once more, her 'dad' grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her to her feet and pushed her to the near by wall. This was how the days passed for Ash. She would wake up, stare at her blank walls until she was called for, then she would either be beaten or sent out to get more alcohol. As her 'dad' approched her broken bottle in hand, something in Ash snapped. 

~Ash's pov~ 

(Ash doesn't see her dad as her dad so she refers to him by his name and when talking as sir)

I was pushed against a wall when I saw Ryan grab a broken bottle. I was frozen up against the wall waiting for the bottle to make it way to my skin when i saw her. I saw my mom right in front of me holding my cheeks, her mouth was moving but i couldn't hear anything. I started to cry as I felt my mom's touch leave my cheeks. She fades away as I hear one thing. 

"I love you"

At that i couldn't holding my tears back. I  let out a scream as i pushed Ryan away from me, subconsciously activating my quirk causing him to fly to the other side of the room. Tears flowing down my face, I ran out of that house. Out of the hell hole I've been living in for 11 years. 


After I ran out of the house, I kept running and running without a place to go. I kept running until I hit something that was hard but also squishy. I fell landing oh so gracefully on my butt. I looked up and meet a pair of ruby red eyes that held a raging fury. 


I tried to crawl away but as i did, someone grabbed my shoulder making me face them. Their grip was painful and I felt their hand start to heat up causing tears rise to my eyes and burn marks apear on my shoulder. 


~Bakugou's pov~ (sorry if he's occ, i suck at writing povs)

I made that damn extra, that made me spill my soda, face me. I used my quirk to heat up my hands to make sure they knew not to run away or some dumb shit like that.  When i finally got a good look at their face, I couldn't move. Was this their quirk or some shit? I just took in their beauty. Their long eye lashes, their pale skin that glistened in the moon light, their raven black hair that seemed to frame her face perfectly, and her dark green eyes that held sadness and fear.

 Did i cause that?

(This scene will continue. I just can't think of anything and I want post one part of the story so yeah. Anyway if  you're still reading how was your day so far? If its was good, YAY <3 If not, well that sucks but your strong and can make it better if you try. Im always willing to help someone so message me if u want me to help. 

Anyway I love you all and hope you have a good rest of your day/night <3)

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