The training

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(Last time on dragon Ball z kay)

Ash then hugged and started crying. The tears were not filled with sadness like most tears were. They were tears of gratitude. She was grateful to Stain. She wanted to be like Stain. Be strong enough to rid the world of scum like her father. So no one would go though what she did. She didn't want to be a hero. She knew what heroes were really like and she would never be like them. So she said one thing that would change her life.

"Can you teach me how to be like you?"

(Back to the present)

Stain looked at Ash in disbelief. She had just asked him the HERO KILLER if she could ask him if he could teach her how to be like him.

"Look little girl I don't think you know what your asking" Stain then pushed her off of him.

"Yes I do! I wanna be like you cause your my hero!" Ash clutched her fists together as she looked up at him. The same way other kids would look at the pro heroes when they let them. Stain face showed the confusion and surprise that he felt to Ash's words.
"If you're looking for someone to be a hero, why not just look up to one of the pro heroes on TV or something?" Stain knew what he was telling Ash to do. He told Ash to look up to one of the fake heroes of this world. He started to question himself when he heard Ash's voice.
"No I don't want to look up the people who didn't help when I needed it. I wanna be like you cause you helped me like a true hero should do!" Hearing theses words lit a fire within him, but of course he would let you see it.
"Ugh fine I guess I could teach you a few things." Stain started to jump on the walls when he realized that he didn't know Ash's name and that she most likely didn't know how to jump up walls like him. He then turned right back around, picked Ash up like a sack of potatoes and once again started to leave the crime scene.
"Hey kid, you didn't tell me your name"
"I didn't? Oh well then I'm Ash, Ash Burn!"

~Tineskip to years later also Ash's pov~

It's been years since the day I met Stain and I'm so happy I did. Over the years, he taught me different ways to fight, different escape routes, which ones are faster or most discreet. He also taught me the things most kids learn like math and stuff. As I was zoned out, I felt a pain shot though my face as I feel on the ground. Oh yeah we're in the middle of sparring.

"Geez kid you need to stop zoning out like that in a middle of a fight. What if it was life or death or a hero or villian tried to catch you" He walked over and held out a hand to pull me up which I took. Less work to get up right.

Oh yeah I forgot after a few months of training me, he went full parent. Lectures and all.

"Sorry, sorry won't happen again" I got back into my battle stance as Stain started to walk back were he was standing. While his back was still turned, I ran up behind him and tried to drop kick him. Key word TRIED. He caught my foot in his hand and spun me around. For the seventh time this day.

"Kid stop repeating that same thing everytime like something different is going to happen."

why should i listen to you?? (bnha x villian oc)Where stories live. Discover now