Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We pulled into the parking lot, I looked around seeing only open space 'ewww' can you believe it. I was expected to go to school, IN THE COUNTRY what the hell is the world coming to. I opened the car door making a further examination of my new school, finally coming to the conclusion that I don't think I will last long at this school, the reason being I would never be able to handle the disgusting smell of the country air tinged with the smell of farm animals and there facieses and judging by the way most of the kids I have seen so far look like nerds that I would love to pick on.

We got to the front entrance of the school and walked through the glass doors.

"Hey Sophia, I can tell you this much you're gonna love this school, see those glass doors, they are all over this school and when the bell goes the glass doors no longer open until lunch time, and the only door that does open is to the lunch area," Jacob grinned, I just stared at him in disbelief he has to be joking, right? There is no way that they can do that, it shouldn't even be legal.

"That can't be right, the school shouldn't be allowed to do that to us, and what happens if someone turns up late to school how do they get in?" I asked still in shock of what I had just heard.

"Ohh yeah, you have to go to the office, the door outside the office is open because they always have someone at the front desk, and if you are late they call your parents just to see if the student was supposed to be late," he was still grinning like a fool, obviously amused with the way this horrible news was affecting me.

"Would you like to explain to me how you and the other two haven't been kicked out of here already" I questioned.

"Hey, that's not nice we aren't horrible students like you are, and its not a bad school, really, you just have to get used to it, that's all," he explained.

"You've got to be joking!" I exclaimed, "This school is horrible, most of the kids look like they are nerds, and don't even get me started on the polluted air it smells like cow shit, how am I supposed to work and cover my nose at the same time?" I asked, not realizing how loud our little conversation was getting.

"You haven't even had your first class and already you are complaining about the school, please Sophia, try not to get kicked out we only just got you back from mums. Do you really wanna go to school with Maddy at that all girls boarding school?" he asked softly. "Because if you get kicked out here that is exactly where Dad is gonna send you".

"Yeah, yeah, what-ever I get it ok."

 "Ok, let's go get ready for class," he replied, walking across the school grounds and into the halls I looked up on the front door and read the sign that said 'Roseville Academy' it didn't look like the kind of school you should call Roseville Academy it should be called Thornville Academy. We walked through the second glass doors at the same time the bell rang.

"The girl's lockers are on the other side of the school, do you want me to walk you there?" asked Stephan.

"Well that has to make the top of the stupidest questions to be asked today. Don't we have to go to the office or something to tell them I'm here?" I questioned.

"Shit I knew there was something I was forgetting, you were supposed to check in at eight thirty, I'm so sorry," he said sarcastically.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a total dick," I smacked him across the back of his head. He rubbed his head and looked at me with what was supposed to be an angry glare but just made me laugh my butt off at him.

"Seriously, how am I ever gonna be able to kill someone with my looks when I can't even scare my lil' sis?" Stephan tried to look like he's ego had just been broken.

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