Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Sophia hurry up we are gonna be late and it's your first day," Jacob yelled from the hallway.

"Just wait I'll be out in five more minutes," I called back. God why are boys so damn impatient? I combed my long blond hair and quickly brush my eyelashes over with some mascara, glancing at my reflection in the mirror I nodded in satisfaction. I shoved my books into my bag and ran down the hallway, 'smack', I ran straight into Stephan.

I am the youngest in my family I have 2 older brothers. Stephan he is the oldest and also the tallest he has spiky black hair and clear blue eyes like all the men in this family, then there is Jacob he is also quite tall. I am the only one in my family with blond hair, well besides my identical twin sister but she went to live with our mum after her and dad split. I inherited most of my mums looks and my brothers inherited their looks from Dad. 

 "Ouch you idiot get out of the way," I shoved him but he barley even flinched.

"Ohh there, there lil' sis don't be like that," he teased pushing me back.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen Jacob tossed me a piece of toast; catching it I spread some butter over it and grabbed my lunch bag of the bench.

"What, not even a thank you, I just spent two precious minutes of my life cooking you a piece of toast and not even a thanks," he said trying hard to look hurt.

"Ohh gosh I'm so not sorry, thank you Jacob you are I life saver how could I ever repay you?" I joked back.

"Ok you two enough of the savior shit and hurry up, we have to get to school on time today seeming as it is your first day today sis". Stephan paused for a moment "Ohh and might I add no getting expelled on the first day," he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Hey I just did that and now look what you did to it," I frowned pointing at my hair.

"Hey anything would make that hair style look better," ruffling it a bit more "see I told you" he laughed and so did the others. God they are so damn immature, I swear they are just five year olds stuck inside teenage body's.

"You are such an obnoxious little shit," I glared patting my hair back down, I picked up a book and tossed it at his head, that made Stephan and Jacob roar even louder with laughter.

"Yeah I know sis just like you," Stephan laughed again and ran out the door.

"How are we gonna get to school, I know there is now way in hell that dad would ever let you boys catch a bus?" I asked.

"Pfff yeah as if dad would let us travel to school by bus, he would be to scared of what we would do to it, let alone having to pay the bus fair and the damage fees," Jacob joked.

"We drive to school. While you were at mums last summer Stephan got his license, so dad got him a car because he "apparently" trust him," Stephan laughed and I laughed with him. Anyone that knew Dad would think hell has frozen over if he actually trusts Stephan after what he and I did before I got shipped off to live with my mother.

Me and him snuck out one night and stole a car, got into a high speed police chases and then drove it home and parked it on the front lawn. Dad had a fit when he woke up the next day to find cop at the door demanding he came with them to the police station. The cops even made him stay overnight but he finally convinced the cops that he wasn't the one in the car, 'sshhh' just between you and me I think there was a bit of money being handed out for him to convince an angry cop that easily. Anyway long story short after he got home he found out that it was me and Stephan and just like that he shipped me off to live with my mum. After a while she told me she had some kind of cancer and she isn't doing very well so she had to send me back to dad and she sent my sister to an all-girls boarding school.

Thank god she had the brains to send me back to my dad's no way in hell was I gonna go to a school filled with whinny, bitchy girls. I mean who knows they might even be lesbians in there, not that there is anything wrong with them, its just the thought of living in the same place with them gives me the creeps. I mean what happens if one morning you wake up with one in bed with you 'ewww' just the thought of it makes me wanna hurl. Anyway now that I'm back I will have to attend school with my three obnoxious brothers.

Climbing into the car Stephan pushed me on top of Jacob. Before I crushed my poor brother to death I quickly sat up and moved over to the other seat. When Stephan climbed into the front seat I quickly shoved my fist into the back of his head just as he was about to place it on the head-rest. Quickly pulling away he turned around and gave me a WTF look Jacob and I were laughing so hard that I started to cry. When I finally got my breath back I grinned at him and said, "Hey paybacks a bitch," then I started to crack up again.

"Hey if paybacks a bitch what's that make you?" now he was laughing to I just smiled at him with my ohh so sweet and innocent face and said "Now, now, I'm no bitch I'm just a sweet little innocent girl, I could never do any harm," I laughed starting to cry again. It was a pretty silent ride to school after that.

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