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Chapter 2

A large alarm sounded throughout the ship, like an annoying buzzer on a kids toy. I tried to sleep through it but it got so annoying that I shot up. I waited patiently and five minutes passed as the alarm finally stopped, I sighed and plopped back down. As soon as I hit the soft bed my scouters communication static went off, signaling someone was trying to contact me. I groaned and got out of the warm comfort. Grabbing the scouter, I flipped it over to turn it on. "What do you want?" I asked in a groggy manner to whoever it was, "Such a warm greeting." I heard the icy voice of Frieza and immediately choked. "I-I'm sorry sir! What is it that you need?" I began to sweat nervously.  "Today you will be fit for a set of armor, we're getting closer to planet Namek and we need to be prepared if the ships gets invaded." I hung up the scouter and stumbled out of the large bed. I opened the closet to see my options, Zarbon mentioned a skin suit to wear under the armor so I put on a dark blue suit and slung my lab coat over and zipped it up. I put on the combat boots and gloves that were also issued to me. I fixed my scouter in my head and put my hair up in a bun and waited. Not a moment later, Frieza waltzed right in.

He stood there with his arms crossed behind his back, waiting for me to follow. I smiled and lightly bowed at him placing a hand on my chest. He scoffed and heading out as I followed him closely, but not to close. I noticed a feint purple across his cheeks and internally smiled. As we passed various windows I would see a certain green planet getting closer. He turned a corner and into a large room, the doors sliding open. There were a few stray soldiers cleaning and fixing broken armor, they immediately stood up as Frieza walked passed. Frieza led me in the direction of a short, assumed, female soldier, she took me into the back and presented me with many different styles of armor. I chose one that seemed safe and she began to measure me. Frieza waited patiently outside, his plan running through his head to acquire the dragon balls. I walked out from behind the large curtain, my lab coat slung over my arm. "The armor fits nice, but I'll still need some time to adjust." He nodded, his tail swinging around behind him.

Frieza had me follow him to another room, we entered a large lab, tubes and strange liquids where In every corner. He pointed me to a corner, "This is a computer we took from a human lab, no one here can read it, but since you're human you can. We just need to know if there's any interesting information regarding the dragon balls in it." I nodded, sitting down at the desk. I turned it on, seeing a picture of Bulma and Vegeta on the front. "Lord Frieza, this computer belongs to Vegeta's wife!" I said in shock. He laughed, "Wonderful! This is just perfect!" He continued to smirk in victory as he folded his arms behind his back. A soldier ran in the room and bowed at Frieza's feet. "My Lord! We've arrived at planet Namek!" He nodded at the soldier. He turned to me and held my chin so I could look up at him. "You will stay here, no matter what, in case of an emergency get in contact with Zarbon." I saluted as he released my chin. He walked out the door as I felt the ship land, the large door locked behind him as the scientists went back to their tedious work. I examined the computer, I didn't recognize the brand but it worked basically the same as any old computer. It was funny to watch scientists walk over and try to read it. I found a folder with the label DBI and entered, "Dragon Ball Info. Hmm, interesting." I said to myself out loud. I heard ki blast fire off as I flinched a little, continuing my work quickly. I wrote down all valuable information I found. I wrote down lab locations,  any information on saiyen's she had, and everything about the dragon balls I could find.

A few hours have passed and I found myself scrolling through her pictures, I saw pictures of Bulma, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chaotzu, Krillin, Goku, Chichi, and even Gohan. I sighed, feeling bad for the side I was on, but I knew that if I left, I would be killed. I was pretty much being held captive. An idea ran through my mind, I'll keep a daily journal, just in case Bulma ever gets her computer back. "Day 1." I began typing, typing about how I got here, typing about who I met and how I felt. I hid the document in a folder, I wasn't to sure what to label it her thorough. "Freeze!" I heard someone shout from the hallway. I quickly typed the first thing to come to my head, which just so happened to be freeze and closed the computer, which I never realized was a laptop until now. I shoved it in a bag and hid behind my desk. I pressed my scouter twice but only heard static. "Zarbon! Zarbon! Someone's infiltrated the ship!" I was just cut off by more static. I peaked up and saw a small saiyen and an equally as short human run by the window. "Gohan and Krillin?" I snuck to the window and peaked out. The door opened as soon as they turned the corner and I ran after them, my power level is too small for them to notice so at least that was in my favor. "Hailey! Stay where you are!" I heard Zarbon's heavy voice come through. "I'm already in pursuit, they won't hurt me, it's a child and another human." I heard more static. "Be careful-" "Who's there!" I heard Gohan cut me off. I saw Krillin enter a room labeled, "bounty" as Gohan stood outside. I shoved a hand over my mouth and steadied my breathing. I heard his footsteps get closer as I began to sneak away.

"Who are you miss?" My eyes widened as I looked down, Gohan staring up at me with wide eyes. I uncovered my mouth and sighed. "I-I'm just a scientist, nothing more." He looked confused. "Are you human?" He continued to stare up at me.  I gulped, sweating nervously. "Yes, yes I am." His face turned to one of concern, I crouched down to his level. "You can't tell anyone I'm here, not your mother, not your father, anyone." "But why not?" He cut me off again. I sighed. "If someone where to, I don't know, try to save me, I would be killed with out a second thought." He now looked scared. "Now can you tell me what you're doing on this ship? I don't know much about why we landed on Namek." He looked around. "We're searching for a dragon ball!" It was now my turn to be shocked. "I don't think there's a dragon ball aboard here, the only ones I know of are on Namek!" He shrugged. Krillin came out of the room with a strange device in his hand, he was focused at looking down at it so he didn't see me, I waved goodbye to Gohan and ran back to the lab. When I got back to the lab I tried to communicate with Zarbon. "Zarbon! Are you ok?" I only heard static, "Zarbon!" More static, I groaned and sat behind the desk again. Taking out the labtop to write down what just happened between Gohan and I.

There was suddenly a large explosion outside the ship that made it rumble. I finally decided to run out of the lab and to my room. I pushed the doors open and dashed out, a platoon of soldiers marching out of the ship, ready for battle. I shoved my way by them and in the direction of my room. I stopped by my door and opened it in a hurry.  Shoving the computer bag under my bed I ran to the window, pressing my hands up to the glass to watch. My eyes went wide in shock and amazement, Frieza is now in his sleek white final form. His eyes were narrowed at the saiyen below him, raw intimidation radiating off of him like a heat wave. I walked to my camera screen, seeing soldiers run past each other frantically. An idea, stupid or not, ran through my head, I grabbed my ocarina and ran out the door.

I was met with the ships exit, freedom was so close, but this was not why I was here. I grabbed a white hood from the supply room, draping it over my head, I jumped out onto the unnatural colored grass. I saw Gohan behind Krillin and his eyes widened at the sight of me. I pulled my hood farther down over my head and scanned Frieza's power level, it was dropping with every second. I lifted the instrument to my lips and I began to play. (Naruto Wind)

I saw Frieza's ki skyrocket as he heard the melody, I felt my own ki grow as well, my cloak flying in the invisible wind, a translucent blue aura surrounding me. I saw that I was about to be attacked by Krillin, him flying towards me. He was suddenly knocked back by my ki, it acting on its own as a shield. Frieza seemed to be finally winning against Goku. Frieza hit him with a final blast at the chorus of my song, and Goku landed in the water. Frieza laughed, grabbing the dragon ball he now possessed, and began to walk back towards the ship. I stopped my song and ran back inside, back into the laboratory like he told me to.

Frieza soon walked into the lab, his breathing heavy and obvious bruises littered his body. He was in his final form, it confused me why he hasn't transformed back yet. I stood behind the desk, scared of what he would do. I felt the desk being pushed away from behind me as I fell onto my back. I stood up, brushing shelf off, suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me from behind and felt him shake. "Thank you..." He said, barely above a whisper. He was shaking as he held me, still without saying any more words. I gently wrapped my own arms around him as he tensed up, still injured from his battle. A few soldiers from the medical unit rushed in and motioned for Frieza to follow them. He got up and walked away without another word. I felt my pulse, my heart was beating loud in the chest. I realized I was shaking, coming down from my adrenaline rush. 

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice from above me. I looked up and saw Zarbon. I grabbed for his hand as he helped me up, my form still shaking in fear. "I just need to calm down." I panted. "Have you never been in a presence of battle before?" He asked calmly. I shook my head gently. He sent me a gentle smile and helped me to my room. "Would you like for me to sit with you awhile until you recover?" I nodded and sat on my bed. "I would like that, the company itself is comforting."

We sat in silence for what seemed to be hours, the ship lifted off of Namek and I was met with the view of space back out of window. Zarbon sat at the foot of my bed as I rested my head on my table. I yawned, feeling myself grow tired my eyes began to shut. I saw Zarbon stand as a figure entered the room. My heavy eyes shut themselves before I could see who it was. I felt light pressure on my head as a blanket was thrown over me. Sleep soon overcame me as the door was then shut again behind the mystery figure. I smiled and was overtaken by the calm thought of sleep

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