Chapter 2: Goodbye World

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Chapter 2: Goodbye World

All the air left my lungs as his sharp teeth descended to my exposed neck. I haven't regretted wearing an off-the-shoulder dress more than I did in that moment. It was way too convenient for this creature whose eyes had flashed an alarming red.

"W-What are you-"

I drew for a sharp breath as I felt his teeth brush against my throat. He even freaking took a deep draft of my scent like some kind of dog before he looked me in the eyes, which I had failed to return because of how scary he looked with that unusual eye colour. And that wasn't even a good enough word for it—it shouldn't be possible for someone to have red fucking eyes!

His hand gripped my throat as he forced me to look into those terrifying orbs.

"You're scared," he stated instead of asking. A sinister smile covered his lips as he gave me a once-over. "Good."

When his mouth went to descend on my neck once more, I used all of my strength despite how scared shitless I was to kick him right between the legs.

I think that hurt me more than it did him to be honest.

My legs ached as if I had tried to fight a concrete wall instead of a man. Regardless, he became distracted for a bit as his facial expression became more taut. The guy looked down where I had attacked him, obviously displeased by my actions but not in as much pain as he should be.

Is this guy even human?

Wasting no time on contemplating what was irrelevant, I started to run in the direction from which I came. The club was the only answer when I thought of an escape. At least there were a lot of people there as witnesses. In this dark alleyway, only the stray cats could act as my potential saviors—and what do you know, they couldn't speak nor protect me either.

My surely terrified eyes were wide and alert as I continued to run.

An ear-piercing scream came from my lungs when he appeared before me within seconds.

Like a goddamn ghost.

How was this even possible?

He had been far behind me a minute ago!

My eyes narrowed onto the desired location—the building which was flashing lights and booming with music in the background. It was only a few feet away. If I had at least five minutes, I could make it there and hopefully someone could come to my rescue.

As if he was reading my mind, the predator stood before me like an immovable object and stared with the most bone-chilling gaze.

I swore I felt my legs turn to goo right then and there.

I sucked in a deep breath, the cold air of autumn making this even more physically tiring.

"Why are you doing this?"

Licking his lips, he said nothing as he advanced forward.

I took a step back out of instinct.

Then my brain came up with an idea of attempting to distract him. Maybe with a little small talk.

Think, think, think...

"Y-You said that I...I smelt like someone. Andrew-"

"Angelo." He practically hissed.

I flinched at the aggression in his tone.

"I'm telling you that I don't know who that is!"

My eyes became skittish as his pace picked up, my attempt of trying to verbally distract him proving to have little effect.

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