Chapter 15

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Manny p.o.v

I kept calling Bahja over and over again she just would't answer I know she thinks it's my fault that Jessica took lashae but I honestly didn't know she was capable of doing that or that she was going to do that I need Bahja to come back and I want lashae and by Bahja just walking out isn't gonna solve anything I decided to try and call her again and she picked up this time of course she had an attitude "what the hell do you want?" "Bahja I know you're mad but you need to come back major is in the hospital and lashae is gone I know you're trying to help but we need to come up with solutions together and by you walking out isn't gonna solve anything can you just please come back" she was still on the phone but didn't say anything "hello Bahja" "yea I'm still here" "are you coming back" "yea I'm on my way" I sighed in relief "good ok meet us at your house" "alright" I hung up and walked over to nique "is she coming back?" she asked "yes but I told her to meet us at your place" "what? why? who's gonna stay here with major" "I'll stay" deyjah said "are you sure? you don't have to" I said "I know but I want to he's my little brother and when he wakes up I want to be right there by his side" she said "we'll stay here with her" all her friends said "no the girls can stay we'll need help from the guys" "manny what do we need them for" I smirked "I got a plan don't worry just get in the car" we all walked to the car I got something for Jessica

Nique p.o.v

"Manny are sure this is gonna work?" I. Asked "nique it hurts that you doubt me" I rolled my eyes "Bruh just in case I don't make it tell my mama I love her" Jeremy said on the verge of tears "man quit acting like a lil bi--" James got cut off by Bahja "excuse you little boy you will not be cussing while I'm right here I will stick my foot so far up yo ass you gone have toes for teeth think I'm playing" "sorry Bahja" James said me and manny started dying laughing and Bahja glared at us "sorry bahja" we both mumbled "ok stick with the plan Jeremy and James it's time" manny said they both got up and went to the door we watched as Jeremy rung the doorbell and a few seconds later Jessica came to the door "I know y'all what y'all doing here" Jessica asked shit!! I completely forgot she saw them at the hospital "we know you know us Jessica because you know our father" James said "and who's your father" "bobby shmurda" James said I swear we all tried so hard not to laugh it was so funny then we heard Jessica say "yea you kind of look like him" she so fucking clueless she let them in the house James and Jeremy had earpieces in so I whispered to them to unlock the back door we ran to the back just as Jeremy opened it "hurry up I'm supposed to be getting drinks" he said "are there security here?" I asked "no none at all the bitch is stupid" Bahja smacked him "what the hell did I tell you?" "Don't curse...I'm sorry" "hmhmm" "ok Bahja stop hittin people Jeremy stop cursing and get the drinks and go back in there nique and me will meet you" "gotcha" he grabbed the drinks and went back in the living room "ok Bahja you go look around and find lashae and you know we got Jessica" manny said "ok" me and manny got into position

Bahja p.o.v

I decided to look in the basement first because stupid bitches in movies always has the victim in the basement I turned on the light and looked around I looked In closets and under the bed I was about to give up when I saw another switch I switched it up and the wall turned around lashae was chained up with tape on her mouth and she was crying I looked around for something to brake the chains off and I saw a hammer I grabbed it and broke the chains she fell down and I caught her she was shaking and still crying I took the tape off her mouth and rocked her back and forth "shhhh lashae it's ok now please stop crying" "s-h-h-h-e killed a man in front of me a-a-a-nd she had another man touch me" my blood was boiling at this point I wanted to kill her "did they hurt you?" "no he just kept rubbing me and I said my daddy would hurt him he said my daddy's dead" she started crying again I picked her up and walked back upstairs I saw a man and Jessica they were tied up "lashae is that the man?" she looked up and nodded her head "NIGGA YOU TOUCHED MY FUCKING DAUGHTER" manny yelled the man laughed and said "yea I touched her she has sweet parts and she felt so warm and soft" he laughed again Manny started to hit him even harder then pulled out a gun and shot him in the head I took lashae outside along with Jeremy and James they don't need to see that "is this lashae?" Jeremy asked while touching her face she flinched "I'm not gonna hurt you I'm Jeremy the nice one and this is James the ugly one" she laughed "that's not nice" she said "but it's nice if he knows he's ugly" "so if I called you ugly it would be nice?" she said I laughed so hard "how old are you lashae?" "I'm two how old are you?" "17" "oh my mommy said I can't talk to people who are that age" "but your mommy talks to me" "she doesn't like you though" "you don't like me?" Jeremy asked "no I love you" "yassss thanks lashae" she high fives him "you're welcome" I was mad confused "wait what did I miss?" I asked "Bahja, I met lashae at the hospital me and her both agreed that you love me and we made a plan to get you to admit it" they all laughed I however didn't find that funny about 30 minutes passed and the kids fell asleep and Manny and nique came back out "they're gone now" nique said "what about the bodies?" I asked "we made it seem like he killed Jessica and then he killed himself after that" I just nodded and soon fell asleep I'm so stressed did I tell y'all nique was a transgender? Well yea she is she wanted kids of her own so she got surgery about 2 weeks ago.... and ummm there's a possibility I could be pregnant 😬😬😬😬

I made it long because I was really bored and I just met my sisters boyfriend and Bruh he looks like Bobby shmurda's twin 😂😂😂😂😂 I died laughing in his face and then I felt bad but oh well he'll survive




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