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Hey guys ya know it's kinda sad to see barely nobody reading my book you know if you read you might just like it haha okay keep reading


Me and Justin has a date today and actually I can't wait but I have to go to my brothers baseball game

My brother Trevor he was 13 years old 4 years apart from me (17) he is so good at baseball and my dad is his coach

Trevor and me are so tight together yeah he can get on my nerves but I love that kid

I got ready for his baseball game I wore a sweatshirt and leggings with my black vans and my hair straight so I don't have to straighten it on my date with Justin

When we got there I spotted someone I wish I didn't his hazel eyes met with mine he started to walk over towards me and I just wanted to face palm myself

"Hey Lauren"

"Hey chad"

"So what are you doing here"

"My brother has a game today what about you"

"I work at the concession stand"

"Wow that's cool"

There was a moment of silence and I didn't want to say anything stupid because we all know me I will screw anything up then he broke the silence

"So how are you and Justin getting along"

"Well we have a date tonight"

"Oh good for you"


"Well it's nice seeing you again Lauren I have to get back to work"


He waved and left that was the most awkwardest five minutes of my life


I finally got home and I smell like sweat and dirt and I had to go on a date in a few hours

So I ran upstairs when we got home took a nice relaxing shower and went into my closet to find something and then I heard a knock on my door


"Yes mom"

"I heard you have a date tonight"



"Of corse that little demon"

"But anyways I got you a present"

She came out with a blue bag I opened it and it was and beautiful dress and a white jacket

"Thanks mom I love you"

"I love you too okay now get ready and put that dress on"she said with a smile

The dress was beautiful it had a blue and pink flowery bottom with a belt and then at the top was black strapless with my white jacket she got me I put this on and my black flats that had a bow on the top

I turned my straightener on a did my makeup and then straightened my hair I was all good to go and then I heard the doorbell ring

here we go.....


HAHA so yeah sorry for being short I wanted a cliffhanger for this chapter and yeah so keep reading and please tell your friend I would really appreciate it

Shout out for kaitlyn who reads my book and my best friend I think she is the only one who reads and comments on my book



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