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Hey guys so this is the last chapter i just wanted to say thank you i know its not many reads but i have had alot of people be nice to me i wanted to give a big shout out for my best friend/wifey she has been there for me and she writes such good books im so jealous of how many reads she got but i guess people like what they like oh well haha. ~KKAITEE



"JUSTIN , ALICIA GET DOWN HERE WHERE GONNA BE LATE" I yell for my husband and daughter to get down here.

Today Chad and Britney is getting married they waited so they could finish college and get a job and well here we are getting ready for there wedding of course i couldnt be her maid of honer because well i couldnt fit in the dress cause Mr.James is gonna be expecting soon yes im pregnant with a baby boy.

Justin runs down the steps carring his daughter he comes and hands me Alicia and puts on his shoes but Jusin is the best man for there wedding so im going to be sitting down while he works his magic.

I look at Alicia who it nommimg on my finger she is 20 months almost one she is a doll she has brown hair like her father and blue eyes like her mother.

She was born and then 5 months later I found out I was pregnant with a baby boy.

We head out and drive to this church where she has gone to since she was born and they fixied it up beautiful and i was impressed of how much effort Britney put into her wedding i sat down in the front she assigned for me.

The wedding is over and there off to there honeymoon me and Justin head back to our house and before i got in the door i felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell to the floor justin helps me up.

"take me to the hospital Justin" i tell him he says ok and gets me back into the car.

after a painful ride of sharp pains in my stomach we get there and i tell a nurse my water broke and she gets me a wheelchair and guides me into a room and fix me up and the doctor comes in telling me to breathe and wait for the contractions to work.

im ready and im dialated to 10 cm and im ready to push i push and then i hear an high pitch cry and i know james is finally entered this world.

after two to three days where ready and we head back with james and im so glad to have my baby girl and baby boy by my side with the help of my wonderful husband.

i guess you can say that your life is like a book dont close it cause sooner or later it gets better and im glad to have my best friend by my side Justin is my life.

Cause were defeintly not JUST FRIENDS..........


LOVE IT im happy with this book and i hope you are too :)

hope you liked it and BYEEEEEE

love you all......


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