Making Plans

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Making Plans 

        It was hard for Jazzie to concentrate on a book she had to read for English when Dezmond kept staring at her. He was only a couple of inches away from her, sitting beside her at the rectangular desk. She thought he would sit in front of her, not beside her. 

        "Why are you being so shy, suddenly?" Dezmond asked, watching her read. 

        "Am I?" Jazzie asked, glancing up at him.

        He laughed. "Yes, you are. How's your day going so far?" 

        Just as Jazzie was about to answer him, she felt someone staring at her. She looked toward where the stare was coming from and saw Nikki. Nikki was glaring at her while talking to one of her friends. Nikki rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to her friend. 

        "What's wrong?" Dezmond asked, noticing the slight frown on her face. 

        "I don't think your girlfriend likes me." 

        Dezmond turned around where Jazzie's eyes kept roaming. Nikki looked back and forth between him and Jazzie. She was acting jealous once again. It was one of the primary reasons they broke up. 

        Dezmond turned his attention back to Jazzie. "She's my ex. Just ignore her and keep talking to me." 

        "I'll do that. But if she rolls her eyes at me one more time, I'ma lose it." 

        "What other classes do you have?" Dezmond asked. Jazzie figured he changed the subject to get her mind off Nikki. That was a good thing because all Jazzie kept thinking about was going over to where Nikki sat, to give her the rude awakening that she so desperately needed. 

        Jazzie took out her schedule to show it to Dezmond. Turns out they both have two classes together. It was the last two classes of the day. 

        "Cool, we have the same lunch period too," Jazzie said. 

        "We should sit together," Dezmond replied. Usually, Dezmond sat with his teammates and Terrence, but all of a sudden he felt the need to sit with Jazzie. 

        Jazzie grinned. "I'd like that." Being this friendly with Dezmond crossed her mind more often than not. Now that she was actually talking to him, it felt too surreal. 

        "What are you doing this weekend?" he asked. 

        She shrugged. "I don't know. Kayla probably has plans for me to go to another party with her." 

        "You don't sound too enthusiastic about that." 

        "I'm just not into parties. I'd rather have fun doing something else." 

        Dezmond gave her a questionable look. He probably loves to throw parties and go to them, she thought. 

        "Like what?" he asked. 

        "I like roller-skating," she replied. 

        Dezmond began laughing, causing their classmates to look in their direction. The teacher told him to settle down and try to study. 

        "What's so funny?" Jazzie asked as he continued to chuckle under his breath. 

        "Roller-skating, really?" he asked. 

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