Dinner Dispute

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Dinner Dispute 

        "Jazzie, be still," Kayla said, as she put mascara on Jazzie's eyelashes. Jazzie kept moving, making it hard for Kayla to put it on. 

        "I'm afraid you're going to poke my eye out," Jazzie replied, pouting. 

        "Girl, stop trippin'. And let me get this done." 

        Jazzie sighed. "Alright, I hear you." It was almost time for Jazzie to go out on her date with Dez. The closer it came time for her to go, the more butterflies erupted inside her stomach. 

        "All done," Kayla replied, glancing at Jazzie, making sure every inch of her face looked flawless. She gave Jazzie the au naturale look. 

        Jazzie stared at herself in the mirror and smiled. "Thanks, Kayla. I look good." 

        "Okay, miss 'I look good'. Hurry and get dressed. Dez will be here in ten minutes." 

        "Alright, mom." Jazzie chuckled when she saw Kayla smirk, then flip her off. 

        Jazzie went inside her bathroom, which was conjoined to her bedroom. She took off her cotton robe and let it drop to the white-tiled floor. She changed into her outfit she had bought at the mall. 

        Stepping out of the bathroom, Jazzie walked back into her bedroom and struck a pose. "How do I look?" 

        "Finer than wine, honey," Kayla said, snapping her fingers in a zig-zag motion. 

        They both began laughing, while Jazzie walked over to her vanity table. She put on her silver hoop earrings and a silver ring with a medium-sized ruby. Her father gave her that ring as a present on her sixteenth birthday. She usually only wore it on special occasions. 

        Turning around to face Kayla, Jazzie said, "I think I'm all set." Jazzie inhaled then exhaled, trying to get herself to calm down. 

        "It's okay to be nervous," Kayla replied, with a knowing smile. 

        "I can't help it. You know I've never really been on a date before." 

        "All you need to do is be yourself. But don't do that snorting thing you do, when you laugh at something really funny." 

        "Is it really that bad?" Jazzie asked. 

        "Yeah, it is," Kayla stated. 

        "What time is it?" Jazzie asked. Even though she had already checked the time on her watch. Her nerves were already getting the best of her. 

        "You only got two minutes left," Kayla responded. 

        "I guess I should head downstairs." 

        When they both descended the steps, everyone heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it," Jazzie said, rushing towards the front door. 

        "No, I'll get it," Carolyn replied. She got up from the couch and sauntered towards the door. She opened it and smiled when she saw a young man standing in front of her, with pink and white carnations and a nervous expression. 

        Jazzie tried to peek around her mother's tall frame, to get a better look at Dezmond. She smacked her lips every time Carolyn moved, blocking her view of Dez. 

        "Come on in," Carolyn said, moving aside so he could step inside the house. 

        Dezmond stepped inside, and his eyes automatically zoomed in on Jazzie. He smiled and handed her the flowers. 

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