One day a pure blood vampire named Yoshiro Wanatabe found a helpless cat demon named Hanako Sakamoto she is bieng controlled by an evil demon named Takuto Kensin. Takuto Kensin is forcing Hanako Sakamoto to date him, Even tho Hanako is in love with the pure blood vampire Yoshiro Wanatabe. Yoshiro Wanatabe ends up developing strong feelings for Hanako Sakamoto. A few weeks go by after Hanako Sakamoto inroles into the same high school as Yoshiro Wanatabe. Then one day Hanako Sakamoto was biening cornered by 40 of Takuto's possessed demons cause he wanted her to date him but she said no and started to run away. Yoshiro Wanatabe and his half brother and best friend Yoshiro Starwind just happen to be waliking by and noticed the scuffle and when Yoshiro Wanatabe heard a cry for help he started to run towards the sound. While Hanako was being cornered she caught a glimps of someone with Flaming red short and spiky hair, with blazing red eyes, turns out to be the pure blood vampire Yoshiro Wanatabe sprinting towards her, she notice his arua was the color of blood lust.
love at first sight.
RomanceThis book is about a pure blood vampire named Yoshiro Wanatabe meeting a cute and clumsy cat demon named Hanako Sakamoto, shes a new tansfer and she ends up being forced into dating an evil demon named Takuto Kensin, Yoshiro Wanatabe notices how hor...