7 - Infatuation

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7 - Infatuation

Aria's POV

When I finally came around I was lying in bed pressed against a warm solid chest. I jumped up and off the bed as soon as I realized it was Blake's.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I stood there looking down at him.

He opened his eyes briefly before closing them once again.

"I'm trying to sleep Aria, come to bed."

"The hell I will! What game are you playing Blake? One minute you're defending your whore, and the next you're curled up behind me stroking my hair."

He was sitting up in bed now. "What the fuck is your problem! You don't want to fuck me but yet you fly into a blind rage when I fuck someone else."

"How dare you speak to me that way?! Who the fuck do you think you are? You might be Prince Blake here, but you are nothing but a manwhore who likes to fuck and suck anything that has a pussy to me! You disgust me."

"I am your mate and you will do best to remember that! I can make your life here a living hell and those little powers that you have won't be able to do a damn thing about it!"

"You know what. Fuck you! I don't have to take this shit from you or anyone else. You can fuck who ever the hell you want and so can I. I don't give a fuck about you being my so-called mate."

With that I spun on my heels, but as I was about to take a step I started swaying on my feet. Black spots danced in front my eyes and I knew right then I was still weak.

I heard Blake ask softly if I was okay, but I just couldn't answer him.

"I'm tired of fighting with you Aria." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. It felt so good being in his arms and I was just too weak to fight him. So when he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to bed I didn't fuss I just let him.

Within seconds I was passed out again.


Blake's POV

I was watching her sleep, and running my fingers through her hair. Her red locks were what captivated me in the first place. It matches her fiery temper.

I'm still puzzled over what happened earlier. Apparently she has powers, but the question is why. I need to find out exactly what happened.

I looked down at her again trying to figure her out. She doesn't want to fuck me but then gets upset because I fucked someone else.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear the knock on my bedroom door, or when it opened.

"What do we have here? Are you getting soft on me Cuz?"

I looked up and saw my cousin Nate leaning against the door frame, with his hands folded across his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles.

I smiled. "What are you doing here Nate?"

"I missed you of course. Plus I'm bored. So are you going to tell me what we have here?"

I didn't miss the 'we'. Nate and I have always had the same interest in women and oftentimes tend to share them a lot. But for some reason I didn't want to share Aria with him.

"Well what 'I' have here is my mate and soon to be wife and mother of my children."

"Wow so the mighty Blake has fallen. Is it love?"

I laughed at this. "Hardly, but I have no problem getting married. It's not going to change anything. I'll still fuck who ever I want. I just have to ensure that my wife get's pregnant so I can have an heir." I shrugged.

"So if you don't plan on changing why don't you want to share her with me? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you Nathaniel." I was getting pissed now at his tone. He is my best friend but sometimes he knows me so well, I find it hard to keep things from him.

"No need to get pissed Blake." He unfolded his hands and moved from the door to sit beside me on the bed. "She is beautiful."

We sat there staring down at Aria with me still running my hands through her hair when she spoke.

"I thought I told you not to touch me! Don't you listen?"

I stopped running my fingers through her hair and got up. Nate chuckled. "Feisty, I like her."

"Who the fuck are you and why am I here?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what? And when did I get here?"

"Well you fainted after..." A knock at the door stopped me mid sentence.

"What the fuck now?" I whispered running my hand through my hair.

I barely had time to open the door before it swung open and Jules came barging in stark naked.

"You sent for me Master?" She smiled at me, and I ran my eyes over her appreciatively, then I heard Aria say 'not this shit again'.

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