Masters Pet

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Ugh I don't want to get a pet. I'm responsible. I don't need to prove it. Stupid dad. So I'm on my way to the pet shop as you can tell. I pull up to one of the higher class shops. As I walk through the door I am immediately greeted my an over weight man. 'Obviously not vampires are good looking' I thought to my self. Then I realized that he was talking to me. "Um sorry I didn't quite get that. could u please repeat?" I asked kindly. "Yes sir, I asked if u had any preferences Boy or girl? Submissive or not? And age?" "Ah yes um let me think........ Boy, submissive and about 18 years of age will do." **I know Phil is older than Dan but in this story he's 18 and Dan is 100 but Dan looks 20** "OK sir right this way" I followed him to the back room were it was darker and damper. "This is where we keep all the male subs. The further back u go the more submissive they get' I thanked the man as he went to the other side of the room. Began my descend down the never ending rows of cages. None of the subs to my liking. Then I reach the last cage which was empty? But it had a name tag on it that read '#4679 Phil lester, cat hybrid, male, 18 , extremely submissive' Just as I was about to question the man about it I heard a loud cry and then a smacking sound. "What did I say about crying out" I heard a harsh voice. "You t-told Phil n-not-t t-to s-sir" I heard a weak response. 'Wait Phil? As in the Phil that's missing from his cage?' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the man say"Well then I guess I have to punish you." oh god I hate how mean some people are to hybrids. "No please d-dont p-punish p-phil" oh god he sounds so hopeless I walk back out to the front of the store to see a middle class man being handed some money and the store owner apologizing for the misconvinence. He held on to a leash with a small naked hybrid attached to the end with a shock collar on. The boy was curled up trying to protect himself as they turned the collar to the highest setting. He begins to scream out in pain and they begin to laugh at the show. "Excuse me sir but I have decided what hybrid I want" I said interrupting their fun. He turns the collar off and say "why that's excellent which one" I casually point to the boy on the floor and say "this one" the man begins to laugh but agrees and tells me the price which I pay. He give me his paper work and we are on our way. I place him on the seat of the limo and he scrambles off like he has touched poison. Then he looks up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I reach my hand out to stroke one of his ears and he jumps and curls up into a ball. Hands protecting his face you could make out a slight mumbling of "I'm sorry master" and " please don't hurt Phil" I swear they must have tried to kill the little hybrid. I reached out slowly like you would with a scared animal to show him I meant no harm. He began shaking uncontrollably when i lifted his face to look at me. He still refused to look me in the eyes afraid of punishment. "Whats wrong my pet?" I asked him softly trying not to scare the boy even more. He relpies so quietly I was not able to hear him. "Pet you have to speak louder and look at me when I am talking to you. As soon as the words left my mouth his head shot up and his electric blue eyes connected with my deep brown ones. "W-will you h-hurted Ph-phil?" He asked concern written all over his face. It angered me to think that he had been treated in such horrible manner to be this afraid of me. I guess I wasn't that good at hiding my anger because I heard a slight whimper and noticed the boy staring at my clenched fists, and when I reached up to calm him he flinched. I began to stoke his ears "No pet I wont hit you or hurt you unless it is a punishment ok? I was just upset that someone was being cruel to whats mine." I stated trying to calm him. He nodding after processing each of my words. "Ok good boy now come here" i said patting my lap. He hesitated but nodded and crawled up. He curled into my chest and I stoked his ears. He began to purr which made me smile hearing the cute noise. Then he was asleep.

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