The New Betas

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Killer has refused to leave the main room, he also has refused to move from the couch he was on. It wasn't normal for him to be acting like this, but then again you would act weird to if your mouth was tied shut.

Dream had stayed up the entire night with Killer, just to keep him company. At 9 am again, the subordinates pounded on the door. They led the groups out, and like yesterday, Killer waited for the Beta. This time, however, Killer was terrified.

"Hello, Killer. I understand that you're still in lots of pain, so I have decided to give you a break today and you can spend your time with the healers."

Outer walked out of the room, expecting Killer to follow. Killer was shaking as he followed Outer down the many hallways. Many subordinates passing sent him sympathetic looks.

"Now Killer, find any way to tell your friends what happened, Dream will die first. And then we'll....." Outer whispered the rest to Killer, making his eyes go wide.

"Now we don't want that to happen, do we?" Killer shook his head frantically. Outer chuckled and knocked onto the engineering room.

"Beta Sci? Lust and Geno are needed for their healing jobs." Lust and Geno cautiously walked out of the room. "You two will stay with Killer today and try and make the pain less painful." Outer said as he led the small group towards the healing room.

Lust and Geno glanced at Killer, who was very focused on the ground. They walked in silence for a few moments. Outer pushed open the door and once they were all in Outer narrowed his eyes,"Gamma Geno? Gamma Lust? Don't try anything."

"Since when do we have fancy name titles like that?" Geno muttered. Outer turned around,"The Alpha thought it was more official." The doors locked behind him.

After about five seconds, Lust whipped around and crushed Killer in a hug, "Are you ok, Killer?" Geno pulled Lust off of Killer,"Don't suffocate him, Lust. Go get some pillows." Lust nodded and started pulling pillows of the cots.

"Did something you see in there have to do with Sci and Fell?" Geno asked. Killer didn't respond. Geno frowned,"Because Sci was acting really weird. He was strict, sort of like those substitutes that are really mean so you have to listen to them because you're scared."

Lust plopped the pillows down,"Yah, I'm pretty sure Fell is acting the same." Geno spread the pillows around in a circle,"Well we don't have to be with them today." Lust nodded,"Yea, Killer what did you see? I know you can't talk but can you write it or something?"

That wasn't the greatest idea to mention that. Killer's eyes widened, filling with tears. He shook his head violently, falling back slightly. "Woah, woah! Killer! Calm down, I'm sorry for mentioning that." Lust said, confused on what he just did.

Geno leaned over to Lust,"Let's not say or ask anything like that again. I'm pretty sure he's scarred from what happened."


"Gamma Blue?" Outer said as he poked his head in the Soldier locker room,"You are not needed here anymore." Blue looked up,"What why?"

Blue hadn't really done anything for his job. All he's done is talk to people and play candy crush.

"Beta Fell has said that you weren't doing anything, and there's a lot of soldiers. So I have decided that you are needed elsewhere."

Blue gulped and immediately thought of what had happened to Killer,"O-ok. Bye guys." Ink waved as Blue left the room.

"I hope he's gonna be ok." Ink murmured. Error shrugged,"Blue's tough, if anything happens he'll expect it."

"Enough talk. We need to perform our tasks to satisfy the Alpha." Fell hadn't really changed much. The only thing that was different was he was not laid-back like he usually was, he was a little more strict, and his eyes looked more like Outer's.

Fell continued,"Today you're going to watch the Omega's train. You will see how they perform and tomorrow you'll be targets for them."

Nightmare glared(although his passive form made it less imitating),"Why would we be targets." Fell picked up a sword that had fallen over,"Don't question the Alpha's orders."

"What happened to Killer?" Everyone looked at Cross. "What?" He shrugged, "I'm curious." Fell ignored him. Cross frowned and asked again,"Fell. What happened to Killer? I refuse to do anything until you tell us."

Fell looked at Cross,"You're a difficult one. People who ask to many questions will ruin this mission, I will let Beta Outer know. You have to call me Beta Fell now. I am a higher rank than you, Gammas."

Nightmare frowned but didn't say anything. "Follow me." Fell said. He led the group to the Omega training room. The Omega's weren't the greatest fighters, hence why they were called Omegas.

They often missed their targets, dropped their weapons, and didn't seem to know a thing about fighting.

"So as you can see, you won't get hurt very much." Fell said. Error snorted, "They're so bad at this." Fell kept watching them,"They're front line in actual battle."

"Wait what? That isn't fair to them. They could die!" Ink protested. Fell shrugged, "That's why they're training."

"Man, I'm evil and all, but sending untrained soldiers into battle is just cruel." Nightmare muttered.


Blue followed Outer, looking terrified but tried to act calm. Outer noticed,"Gamma Blue, nothing is going to happen to you. You aren't going to end up like Gamma Killer. You're getting a new job. I hear you're good with knives?"

Blue bit his lip and nodded,"You could say that." Outer sped up slightly,"Good. You're going to be a Weapons Expert with Gamma Dust and Gamma Horror."

Blue's eyes lit up when he heard Dust's name,"Wait really?" Outer nodded,"Yes, unless you would prefer visiting the Alpha."

Blue shook his head,"Uhh no! This is fine!" Outer knocked on the door,"Gamma Dust! Gamma Horror! You have another Weapons Expert Gamma to work with."

"You have a key why did you knock?" Blue asked. Outer pulled out his key,"So I don't get a knife stuck in my head."

Outer pushed Blue inside. Horror and Dust were playing Jenga. With knives. "Hi Blue!" Dust waved. Blue grinned and waved back,"Hi!! I guess I work here now."

Horror pulled a knife out slowly, but the whole tower collapsed. "Dang it." He muttered. "Ha you lost! Blue wanna play?" Dust offered. Blue smiled,"Sure."

Outer watched them, he made a note on his clipboard. They would be good Betas. He would tell the Alpha.


No one had spoken in at least an hour. Sci was very scary when he was like this. His glares even startled Reaper.

Sci had made Reaper and Dream make a prototype engine. Did they have Any experience with this? Not at all. Which made Sci more mad.

"Man I wish Geno and Lust were here." Dream whispered to Reaper. Reaper nodded,"Yea, it would be really nice if we had others to build this thing faster."

"No talking." Sci demanded. Dream and Reaper quickly went back to work. A few more minutes went by. "You two are hopeless. You can't even build anything. Just go back to your rooms. I'll take it form here."

Reaper and Dream stood up and quickly walked out of the room. "I can't believe it! We're free!" Dream celebrated. "Until tomorrow." "Shut up and let me be happy."

"Wait Dream I have an idea. If Sci got sick of us failing, then maybe if we keep doing that we won't have to do any work." Reaper realized.

Dream grinned,"Perfect plan." They entered the room and looked around, finally seeing the cons of them going back early.

"Now what." 

Aaaaaaand dis chapta is finished!!!!!! Don't worry, I'll make more crazy stuff happen soon. And I plan on sending them off to battle soon as well. I wonder what Outer whispered to Killer? Hope ur all enjoying this and anyways, PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!

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