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Austin really never knew what was wrong with him. Around the age of 5 in kindergarten he hated when people touched him. He would only allow his parents hugs. But not even his parents could hug him for so long. Austin always wanted things in a certain order and always did things at a certain time. When all the other kids would eat at 11:00 am, he wouldn't eat with them. He would eat at 11:30. His kindergarten teachers noticed this and called his parents. His parents took Austin to a doctor and he was diagnosed with OCD. The doctor informed his parents that , he would get picked on often, basically for the way he is and also the bad things about OCD. After Austin's dad heard this, he stormed out of the doctor's office. And never came back.
Since then, Austin's mom, Stormie, has taken care of Austin. She and her son had a nice bond. Even if Stormie couldn't hold her son or hold his hand, she was happy. As long as she had him. The doctor has perscribed medicine for Austin but Austin hated it. He hated medicine. So he didn't take it. Sometimes Stormie would smash the pill and put it in his waterbottle, but Austin has a strange way of knowing when someone touched his beverages and food. So he never really took it. When he was older. He stared taking it. It helped a bit by calming his worries but it wasn't enough.
Now it's High school and Austin has no friends. His only friend is a girl who is mute, who sits at his lunch table, named Ally. Ally was mute because she had a traumatic experince and refused to speak after it. Austin didn't mind it though. He didn't like talking either. So they usually just sat together , occasionally writing notes or texting. Ally is fine with Austin's OCD . She does think it's strange that he has to wash his hands 5 times and arrange everything by time and alphabetical order and that he hates being touched. Ally remembers the first time she met him. Something fell out of his locker and since she couldn't talk. She put her hand on his shoulder trying to signal him but he screamed saying "DONT TOUCH ME!" Then ran off to the bathrooms. Ally was confused by it. He then came by her lunch table and explained that he was sorry and that he had OCD. Ally then looked it up at home and realized why he reacted that way. They then began being friends. Ally is fine with OCD. But she does think it's strange.
Later on after lunch. Austin went to his last class, sitting in the back as usual. The day went by . A few people called Austin a freak and a faggot, when truth is, he doesn't even know what he is. He just likes personalities.
The next morning Dez awoke with a happy smile as usual.
"Hiiii Mom!" He runs down the stairs.
"Hello sweetie, take your medicne yeah?" Dez groans.
"But Mom! It's yucky!" He pouts.
"Come on now. You gotta go to school. And take it before your father wakes up." Dez shivers at the name of his father. Dez's father abuses him and his mom. The thought leaves Dez quickly since he can't really focus on anything for long. Dez runs upstairs, puts on a red shirt, white suspenders , and jeans. He gels his hair slightly and takes his pill. He hates these pills. The only reason he remembers why he has to take them is beacause his doctor tells him that he has ADHD and is overly active and can't focus on a lot of things and that it's a illness. Dez thinks it's not because he doesn't feel Ill. Then when he got a bit older. Around the age he is now. He realizes that it isn't good and tries his best to hide it. He goes downstairs and says goodbye to his mom and walks to school. The school knows about his ADHD. But they don't tell the students. It's only among the teachers and principal. When he gets there he sees a lot of new faces. He says Hi to all of them. He makes his way to the office and the lady eyes him carefully.
"Hi! My name is Dez Worthy and I'm new here and um, it's a really nice day outside- your shirt is really pretty/ purple is a nice color-" Dez realizes he's rambling.
"Oh I'm rambling. Can I just have my schedule?" He asks and the lady smiles a bit.
"Here you go. Have a nice day. Wait- your the boy who has ADHD right?" She asks worriedly and Dez nods.
"You don't cut yourself or anything right?"
"No. I don't." Dez gives a smile and walks off. That is actually a lie because if Dez thinks that you are a kind hearted person and if your really mean to him or say something. Dez slips into a mini depression. Dez shakes that off. As he's walking to his locker he bumps into a boy with brown hair. Dez thinks he's handsome. Well he is gay after all.
"Watch where you're going freak" the boy spits out and walks off. Dez frowns a bit. Not friendly at all. Dez then beings to pack up for his classes and heads to his first class.
Austin is sitting bored in class , organizing his pencils because they don't seem perfect enough. Suddenly a kid with red hair pops into the room.
"Who are you?" The teacher asks. His name is Mr. Ply
"Oh Hi! I'm Dez . I'm new here" they boy Dez states with a smile . This boy sure his hyper Austin thinks.
"Alright . Go sit next to Austin. The blonde boy over there. Dez walks over to Austin.
"Hii. Austin. That's a nice name. Want to be friends?" Dez asks Austin. Austin thinks that they will have nothing in common. But when the teacher pats his back , Dez glares at him.
"Do not touch me"
Truth is Dez dislikes to be touched. He thinks you should be friends until that happens.
Austin is shocked by his reaction. Dez then looks at Austin.
"I hope we become the best of friends !"

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